A Cross-cultural and Intra-cultural Analysis of Six Values of Students in Greece and the United States




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It is my hope that this introduction will provide you with a comfortable framework for experiencing this study. The sections that follow will further expand on my process and findings. My involvement with this study began in January of 1974 while I was on a one semester Study Abroad Program in Athens, Greece. I traveled to Greece eager to enhance my personal growth in the social and physical milieu of a foreign country, and to increase my experience as an environmental design student. At the onset of the program (Study in Greece, Inc.), Ms. Katharine Butterworth, the director, arranged far me to do an environmental design project with Mr. Nikos Kalogeras , an Athenian architect/planner. Early in the semester, after preliminary social and physical analysis, I defined my environmental design project problem statement as: "The island of Skyros does not have adequate educational opportunities to meet the needs of the local inhabitants." I then began to thoroughly research the Skyrian milieu- qualitatively and quantitatively- in order ta develop an understanding of the social and physical forces that substantiated my problem statement. My research techniques included observing, reading, interviewing, questionnaire sampling, and participating.


This entry includes two separate PDF files: "Main article" 112 pages, and "Skyros mileu" 16 pages.


Skyros, cross-cultural, sociology

