Cottage Grove : Plan and code concepts report




ISSN der Zeitschrift



City of Cottage Grove (Or.)


This report contains final recommendations from the Cottage Grove Smart Development Advisory Committee (“Committee”) in several important land use and transportation planning areas. These recommendations were developed after the Committee provided input on the February 13, 2002 Plan and Code Audit Report (“Audit”). The Audit provided summaries of existing plan policy and code provisions, evaluated whether or not they support the Smart Development principles, and suggested concepts for recommended policy and code amendments or additional policies and code provisions. The recommendations in this report have not yet been presented to the Planning Commission or City Council. The work program for this project included a joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop; however, the City decided to terminate this project before the end of the current State budget cycle. [From the Plan]


66 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Published February 2002. Captured June 6, 2006.


City planning -- Oregon -- Cottage Grove, Community development -- Oregon -- Cottage Grove, Land use -- Oregon -- Cottage Grove -- Planning, Zoning law -- Oregon -- Cottage Grove
