Willamalane Park and Recreation District : Dorris Ranch management plan [from Willamalane website]
Willamalane Park and Recreation District
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Willamalane Park and Recreation District
The Dorris Ranch Living History Farm is an invaluable resource that holds tremendous potential
for the enjoyment of present and future generations. However, careful planning for its
management and development is imperative. The existing Dorris Ranch Land Use Plan and
Facility Development Plan are 26- and 19-years old, respectively. Willamalane’s 2004 Park and
Recreation Comprehensive Plan recommends that we "develop and manage Dorris Ranch as a
unique, historic natural area and recreational resource." (Strategy A63) It also calls for
completion of an updated master plan for the Dorris Ranch Living History Farm, and staff is
planning to do so within the next 3-5 years. The master plan would take a long-term look at
Dorris Ranch, and determine how it should be developed and managed over the next 20 years. [From the Plan]
27 pp. Bookmarks modified by UO. Includes map. Published August 8, 2005. Captured March 20, 2007.
City planning -- Oregon -- Springfield, Parks -- Oregon -- Springfield -- Planning, Recreation areas -- Oregon -- Springfield -- Planning