Meeting the Housing Needs of Redmond, Oregon Suggestions for Providing Affordable Housing
ISSN der Zeitschrift
The Affordable Housing Plan included
an assessment of the existing housing options in Redmond, as well as goals,
objectives, and strategies that could be used to encourage the preservation and
creation of affordable housing.
Although Redmond’s Affordable Housing Plan is comprehensive and fairly
detailed, it was drafted before the housing market crash and resulting 2008-
2010 recession, and is now relatively out of date. To serve as an update to
the Affordable Housing Plan and to identify affordable housing policies, the
City of Redmond collaborated with students and faculty of the University of
Oregon’s Housing Policy class to research the city’s housing climate as part
of the Sustainable City Year Program. The class, taught by Dr. Ren Thomas,
was tasked with identifying barriers to affordable housing within Redmond and
the surrounding area, as well as suggesting policy changes to address these
barriers. Students in this class split into two groups to approach this project:
Group 1 conducted outreach to stakeholders in the form of interviews to gain
a qualitative understanding of affordable housing within Redmond and Group
2 performed an analysis of current and potential best practice housing related
54 pages
Sustainable development, Affordable housing