Dissociation : Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 024-031 : Measuring clinical and non-clinical dissociation: a comparison of the DES and QED

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Gleaves, David H.
Eberenz, Kathleen P.
Warner, Mark S.
Fine, Catherine G., 1950-

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Ridgeview Institute and the International Society for the Study of Dissociation


We examined the psychometric properties of the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and the Questionnaire of Experiences of Dissociation (QED) in clinical and non-clinical samples. A total of 200 subjects participated in the study: 170 undergraduate students, 15 patients diagnosed as having multiple personality disorder, and 15 patients diagnosed as having an eating disorder. The DES was found to have very high internal consistency for clinical, non-clinical, and combined samples. Internal consistency for the QED was adequate for clinical and combined samples, and slightly lower than acceptable for the non-clinical sample. Examination of convergent validity coefficients supported generally equivalent validity in clinical and nonclinical samples for the two instruments. Both instruments were able to discriminate between dissociative and non-clinical or eating disordered patients, although the DES was somewhat more effective. Using the DES, MPD and eating disordered patients could be discriminated with 100% accuracy.


p. 024-031

