Guidebook: SVP Field Symposium 2010 John Day Basin Field Conference
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This guide was developed for a three day field symposium sponsored by the Society of
Vertebrate Paleontology. It is intended as an informal, casual guide for participants,
and is largely targeted at the graduate student level but is also easily accessible to the nonspecialists.
The first SVP field trip guidebook to the John Day Basin was published over 15
years ago, and has been reprinted four times. Although this is a completely new, updated,
and considerably expanded revision, some material from the original guide has been
incorporated into this one, including the popular “Historical Perspective” sidebars. This
guide serves as an "overview" to several of the principal vertebrate fossil localities in the
region. Complete coverage of the extensive fossiliferous strata in this basin, with numerous
Eocene through Pliocene assemblages spanning forty Ma, deposited in several widely
separated basins, is beyond the scope of this short contribution (see the Introduction). This
version updates and serves as a replacement for the above noted earlier field guide.
153 pages