Andrews Management Unit record of decision and resource management plan
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Resource management plan provides an overview of goals, objectives, and needs associated with public land management, and resolves multiple-use conflicts or issues that drive the preparation of the document. Identifies 17 issues to be addressed by the RMP/EIS, including upland ecological communities, riparian communities, woodland communities, wildlife habitat, special status species and habitat, energy and mineral resources, special area management within the Cooperative Management and Protection Area and the AMU, management of wildland fire and fuels, recreation opportunities, relationship with private landowners, management of wild horses in Herd Management Areas, cultural sites, noxious weeds, OHV use, aquatic habitat and water quality, transportation, economic and social status of rural communities. The record of decision approves the attached RMP for the AMU.
127 pp. Tables, maps, references, appendices.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Burns District Office (DO) manages 3,275,694 acres of public
land located primarily in Harney County, Southeastern Oregon (Map 1). The Burns District is divided into
two Resource Areas (RA): the Andrews RA and the Three Rivers RA. The two RAs are further divided
into land contained within the boundary of the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection
Area (CMPA) and those in the Andrews RA outside the CMPA boundary; the latter is titled the Andrews
Management Unit (AMU). The AMU covers a total of 1,221,314 acres of public land, and the CMPA covers
a total of 428,156 acres of public land (these numbers do not include private, State, or U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service [USFWS] lands).
Captured August 6, 2007.
Public lands -- Oregon -- Burns Region -- Management, Land use -- Oregon -- Burns Region -- Planning