Deep Media to Mass Media: Transitioning from Vaudeville to Film
ISSN der Zeitschrift
University of Oregon
This research capstone will explore the ways in which vaudeville and early film serve as an
example of a preexisting form of media transitioning into a new form of media and how audience
plays a role in this transition. Today, administration systems are currently transitioning from
analog to digital systems. These platforms change the way people engage with entertainment and
the arts. In order to better understand audiences, art administrators must be able to understand the
context that surrounds current audiences in the arts management field. This study of the
transition from vaudeville to early film is an example of this context and is an important study
into what happens to older media with the introduction of new media. These transitions can be
seen over and over throughout the last century and give art administrators a look into how to
keep arts experiences relevant and audiences engaged in the future.
42 pages
Audience, Cinema, Hypertext, Linear, Narrative, Non-linear, Participatory arts, Passive, Media, Spectacle, Transitional, Vaudeville, Entertainment