Upper Charley Subwatershed ecosystem restoration projects




ISSN der Zeitschrift




Documents include draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) summary, response to comments, the abstract of the final environmental impact statement, an errata page with changes to the DEIS (all of which constitute the FEIS), and a record of decision with appendices. DEIS responds to past fire suppression, selective harvest, and recent drought conditions that have contributed to the degradation of forest ecosystem sustainability in the watershed by proposing long-term vegetation management, wildlife improvements, and maintenance or improvements to the sustainability of fish habitat. Includes reduction of tree stocking densities and reestablishment of vegetation composition to those of 100 years ago, reduction of fuel accumulations, and reduction of overload sediment flow with closure of some roads and reduction of overall road density. Record of decision announces implementation of Alternative B of DEIS, with modifications to protect the Canada lynx and to avoid, minimize, or otherwise offset any potential adverse effects to channel stability.


80 pp. Tables, figures. Sections 11-14, 22-28, and 33-36 of T.9N., R.42E., Sections 8, 17-19, and 30 of T.9N., R.43E., and Sections 3 and 4 of T.8N., R.42E. Captured June 23, 2008.


Forest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.), Watershed restoration -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.), Vegetation management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.), Forest thinning -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)
