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  • Eugene (Or.) (2015-02-10)
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2006-02-21)
    Ordinance No. 20362 repealed Resolution No. 4127 and the Eugene Parks and Recreation Plan adopted therein. That ordinance also amends the City's land use code by deleting Eugene Code (EC) Section 9.9550 (which listed the ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2006-06-20)
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2006-07-21)
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2007-03-15)
    Metro Plan Amendment MA 06-5 amended the Metro Plan land use diagram from a designation of Medium Density Residential to a designation of Low Density Residential for the subject area, along with a concurrent Refinement ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2007-10-29)
    This ordinance specifically amends the Willakenzie Area Plan designation for the subject property from Neighborhood Commercial to Community Commercial and amends policy text to support the designation, to limit the number ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2007-12-17)
    On December 10, 2007, the Eugene City Council adopted Ordinance No. 20400 which established the procedures for processing annexations, extra-territorial extensions and public service district withdrawals. Passage of this ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2008-06-05)
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2008-06-13)
    Code Amendment revising the review process for extraterritorial extensions. Amendment will require the City Council to hold a public hearing and be the final decision maker rather than the Planning Director. This amendment ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2008-07-21)
    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Amend the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) required from 1.0 FAR to .65 FAR within the /TD zone outside of the downtown core. Amend the area used for calculating FAR from "development site" to "lot". Allow basement ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2008-08-15)
    A variety of minor land use code amendments, including amendments that address lot configurations, fence heights, final plat processes, developer/neighborhood meetings, how building heights are measured, how density is ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-03-17)
    T h e ordinance adds Code provisions establishing a Water Quality Overlay Zone and applies it to property that: contains a waterway identified purusant to Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, a tributary to a ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2010-08-16)
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-06-11)
    1) Expand the list of commercial development standards eligible for the adjustment review process in the Downtown Plan boundary; 2) Create a new comprehensive set of approval criteria that would be applicable to any ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-06-16)
    Administrative Order No. 58-09-07-F adopts administrative rules implementing Eugene City Code sections 9.4780(2), 9.4780(3) and 9.8030(25). As required by those code sections, the adopted rules describe the procedures that ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-10-19)
    An amendment to the land use code that lowers maximum building heights within a 16 block area zoned R-3 Limited High Density Residential and R-4 High Density Residential that is located between an R-l Low Density Residential ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-11-16)
    The goal of these amendments is to relieve economic hardship by providing a one-time effective date extension to certain approved land use applications that otherwise might expire due to difficult economic times. The ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-11-18)
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-11-27)
    Metro Plan Diagram Amendment to change designation of 63 acres from Parks and Open Space to Low Density Residential (includes automatic amendment to Willakenzie Area Plan, applicable refinement plan to change designation ...
  • Eugene (Or.) (Eugene, 2009-12-21)
    T h e City of Eugene Infill Compatibility Standards Task Team proposed a set of code amendments to improve the compatibility of new infill construction. The adopted standards will affect such things as maximum building ...

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