Browsing by Author "Hampton, Mandy"


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  • Hampton, Mandy; Keathley, Mandy (2017)
    To sculpt is to cloak empty space in material. Like a balloon containing air, my sculptures give shape to empty spaces, while simultaneously concealing them. The experience of making a sculpture is like hiking up a mountain; ...
  • Department of Art, University of Oregon; Campbell, Andrew Douglas; Couch, Chelsea; Weng, Esther; Moore, Joe; Asahina, Lee; Hampton, Mandy; Morgan, Mary Margaret; Wallace, Meril; Linn, Ron (University of Oregon, 2017)
    This year marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of French literary critic and theorists Roland Barthes’ influential 1967 essay, The Death of the Author. In countless MFA critiques and seminars, artists have ...

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