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  • Glendale (Or.) (City of Glendale (Or.), 2005)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Glendale (Or.) (City of Glendale (Or.), 1997-04-14)
    The purpose of these Design Standards is to provide a consistent policy under which certain physical aspects of public facility design will be implemented. Most of the elements contained in this document are Public Works ...
  • Glendale (Or.) (Glendale, 2010-02-16)
  • Glendale (Or.) (Glendale, 2011-08-26)
  • Glendale (Or.) (Glendale, 2012-04-13)
    The C y of Glendale amends its Zoning and Land Development Ordinance to comply v ith changes in Oregon law. to correct a text error in the existing Ordinance, and to remove multi-family housing from the permitted uses l ...
  • Gold Beach (Or.); CH2M Hill, inc. (City of Gold Beach (Or.), 1982-06-22)
    The Gold Beach Comprehensive Plan is divided in two sections. The inventory section which contains both natural resource inventories and socio-economic inventories, and the plan section which then relates this information ...
  • Gold Beach (Or.); David Evans and Associates; H. Lee & Associates (Gold Beach (Or.), 2000-06)
    The Gold Beach Transportation System Plan (TSP) guides the management of existing transportation facilities and the design and implementation of future facilities for the next 20 years. This Transportation System Plan ...
  • Gold Beach (Gold Beach, 2008-08-22)
    Zone change from county Industrial (I) designation to City of Gold Beach Industrial (5-1). More of a housekeeping than actual zone change.
  • Gold Beach (Gold Beach, 2009-12-10)
    The City adopted a formal line to delineate the common boundary between the Beaches and Dunes Conservation zone and the Commercial zone for a portion of the City's ocean front parcels.
  • Gold Beach (Gold Beach, 2009-12-16)
  • Gold Hill (Or.) (City of Gold Hill, 2013-12-20)
  • Gold Hill (Or.) (City of Gold Hill, 2014-06-18)
  • Grants Pass (Or.) (City of Grants Pass (Or.), 2008-02-20)
    The Grants Pass and Urbanizing Area Comprehensive Community Development Plan was first adopted by Ordinance 4471 on December 15, 1982. It was last amended on February 20, 2008 by Ordinances 5432 & 5433. Element 11: ...
  • Grants Pass (Or.) (City of Grants Pass (Or.), 2005-05-02)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Third Bridge Corridor Development Agency (Grants Pass, Or.); Grants Pass (Or.); Patterson, Snider and Stewart (City of Grants Pass (Or.), 1987-09-02)
    The Third Bridge Corridor Development Plan is a 868.50 acre, Urban Renewal Plan for the City of Grants Pass, Oregon. The Third Bridge Corridor Development Area is located entirely within the incorporated City of Grants ...
  • Grants Pass (Or.) (City of Grants Pass (Or.), 2000-09-25)
    The Master Transportation Plan covers the various topics required under state legislation for the transportation plan. The technical data used to prepare this plan are in separate documents. The Transportation Plan is ...
  • Grants Pass (Or.); Montgomery Watson Harza (Firm) (City of Grants Pass (Or.), 2004-05)
    The purpose of the Grants Pass Water Treatment Plant Facility Plan (WTPFP) is threefold: 1) Define the ability of the existing plant to reliably continue serving the City’s water needs, 2) Develop a list of prioritized ...
  • Grants Pass (Or.); David Evans and Associates (City of Grants Pass (Or.), 1998-01-07)
    [T]he plan was prepared to meet a portion of the [Oregon] Statewide Planning Goal 5: To conserve open space and protect natural resources.... Second, the plan was developed to meet specific goals of the Grants Pass ...
  • Grants Pass (Or.) (Grants Pass, 2006-02-15)
  • Grants Pass (Or.) (Grants Pass, 2006-06-30)

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