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Browsing Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation by Author "Davis, Emily Jane"
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Ellison, Autumn; Davis, Emily Jane
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2016)
Across the U.S. West, many rural communities adjacent to publicly owned federal lands have been greatly affected by changes to federal land management policies and by economic restructuring of the wood products industry. ...
Santo, Anna; Huber-Stearns, Heidi; Davis, Emily Jane; University of Idaho. College of Natural Resources. Policy Analysis Group
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2019)
The following appendices provide supporting detail about information that was included in Ecosystem Workforce Program Working
Paper #91, Monitoring Investments in Oregon’s Federal Forest Restoration Program, FY2014-FY2019. ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Moseley, Cassandra
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2012)
Leaders on the Willamette National Forest (WNF) in western Oregon and adjacent communities are interested in using collaborative approaches to steward public lands and create community benefits. WNF leadership asked the ...
Ellison, Autumn; Bennett, Drew E.; Knapp, Melanie; White, Eric M.; Davis, Emily Jane; Moseley, Cassandra
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2015)
An accelerated pace and scale of forest restoration on Oregon’s eastside national forests will rely heavily on the ability of contractors to both implement forest treatments and contribute to environmental planning activities. ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Moseley, Cassandra
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2012)
The federal government is the largest landowner in many western communities. It can contribute
to local socioeconomic vitality by providing opportunities for businesses and partners to perform
land management activities ...
Davis, Emily Jane
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2019)
The rangelands of southeastern Oregon and southern Idaho have experienced increasingly large wildfires that threaten
multiple values and can exceed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) response capacity. There has been interest ...
Moseley, Cassandra; Davis, Emily Jane; Medley-Daniel, Michelle
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2012)
The USDA Forest Service needs performance measures to track the social and economic outcomes
of its investments. But there are inherent challenges to developing, adapting, and using new
measures in the Forest Service’s ...
Davis, Emily Jane; McAvoy, Darren J.
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2020)
In a given area, there are commonly multiple agencies that manage wildfire
suppression on different jurisdictions. These agencies can face divergent or even
competing missions and mandates, yet must also address the ...
Davis, Emily Jane; White, Eric M.
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2015)
Forest collaborative groups in Oregon integrate ecological, economic, and social objectives in their missions. While they spend much of their time on vegetation, aquatic, and other natural resource issues, they have less ...
Davis, Emily Jane; White, Eric M.; Bennett, Drew E.
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2015)
Forest collaborative groups in Oregon integrate ecological, economic, and social objectives in their missions. However, those groups often focus, in practice, on biophysical natural resource issues and have less direct ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Santo, Anna; White, Eric M.
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2019)
Over the past two decades, numerous federal forest collaboratives have emerged in the state of Oregon. Although
they generally do not possess any formal decision-making authority, their efforts are considered important ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Santo, Anna; White, Eric M.
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2019)
Over the past two decades, numerous federal
forest collaboratives have emerged in the
state of Oregon. These groups function on
the basis of dialogue among diverse stakeholders
regarding their interests and values for ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Moseley, Cassandra
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2015)
Forest collaborative groups that seek ecological, economic, and social outcomes have become common in eastern and southern Oregon. These multi-stakeholder groups work together to develop agreement on local public forest ...
Davis, Emily Jane
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2021)
Many communities in the rural western United States seek ecological, economic, and social wellbeing and resilience
of their people and landscapes through collaborative groups. Increasingly, these groups have recognized ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Moseley, Cassandra; Evers, Cody; MacFarland, Kate; Nielsen-Pincus, Max; Pomeroy, Alaina; Enzer, Maia J.
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2012)
Community-based organizations (CBOs) in Oregon are fostering natural resource management and economic development, particularly in public lands communities where the capacity of federal agencies, businesses, and others has ...
Abrams, Jesse; Davis, Emily Jane; Ellison, Autumn; Moseley, Cassandra; Nowell, Branda
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2016)
Many rural communities across the U.S. West were profoundly affected by economic and policy changes in the 1990s and early 2000s. Sudden shifts in federal land policies, restructuring of forestry and agriculture industries, ...
Davis, Emily Jane
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2021)
Many communities in the rural western
United States seek the ecological, economic,
and social wellbeing and resilience
of their people and landscapes. In Harney
County, Oregon, several community collaborative
groups ...
Davis, Emily Jane
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2021)
Many communities use collaborative processes and groups to pursue common goals. Social science can aid in
these processes. For successful application of social science in a collaborative setting, practitioners can ...
Davis, Emily Jane; Christoffersen, Nils; Couch, Kyle; Moseley, Cassandra
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2012)
Utilizing woody biomass from hazardous fuels reduction projects may make forest restoration
more cost effective while creating local economic benefits. However, there is a lack of evidence
about how projects can be ...
Moseley, Cassandra; Davis, Emily Jane
(Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, 2012)
Across multiple presidential administrations, forest and watershed restoration has become an increasingly important focus of the USDA Forest Service. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, for example, has made restoring ...
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