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Browsing Theses and Dissertations by Author "Davis, Howard"
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Shrestha, Subik
(University of Oregon, 2021-09-13)
“Downtown” and its revitalization have been among the most prominent issues for post-war American urbanism scholars. Of importance to this research are the federal government’s institution of urban renewal in 1954 to ...
Hussein, Deqah
(University of Oregon, 2016-10-27)
Cincinnati, Ohio is a city with many architecturally significant, yet decrepit, historic brewery buildings. Most of these structures are centralized in Over-the-Rhine (OTR) and the West End, two adjoining neighborhoods ...
Miller, James
(University of Oregon, 2013-07-11)
The study shows the importance of the lakou, which is a spatial manifestation of the familial social structure in the Haitian culture, through the analysis of post-disaster temporary settlements, showing that through their ...
Miller, James
(University of Oregon, 2019-01-11)
In the era of Global Climate Change, forced displacement and resettlement will affect coastal communities around the world. Through resettlement, the local production of culturally supportive environments can mitigate ...
Kayatekin, Cem
(University of Oregon, 2017-09-06)
Big business and small business, the global and the local, the rich and the poor—these polarities often inhabit compartmentalized geographies within the modern global city. This compartmentalization proves to be problematic ...
Wicaksono, Dimas
(University of Oregon, 2024-08-07)
In this dissertation, I embark on an exploratory journey to unravel the relationship between the belief systems of urban communities and the physical spaces they inhabit. Central to this investigation is the idea that our ...
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