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Browsing Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development by Author "Arlington (Or.)"
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Arlington (Or.)
(Arlington, 2009-02-19)
The purpose of the adopted emergency ordinance is to provide a mechanisn to allow individual RV's to be used for temporary housing on individual lots in the City. The City is currently experiencing a housing shortage due ...
Arlington (Or.)
(Arlington, 2009-12-29)
City had added "Recreational Vehicle Parks" as a Conditional Use in the M-2 Zone.
Arlington (Or.)
(Arlington, 2011-04-08)
Expanded City's Urban Growth Boundary by 300 acres for industrial development.
Arlington (Or.)
(Arlington, 2011-12-09)
Reduced minimum lot size in M-2 Zone from 40 acres to 5 acres.
Arlington (Or.)
(Arlington, 2011-12-09)
City added Administrative Procedures to Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit Review processes.
Arlington (Or.)
(Arlington, 2011-12-09)
Property owner request to rezone 2.6 acres of R-l zoned land to R-2 to allow multi-family development.
Arlington (Or.)
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