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Fakhri, Michael
Michael Fakhri is an Assistant Professor at the UO School of Law. His academic interests are in international economic law with an emphasis on questions of development. He is currently working on a historical examination of the sugar trade and its relationship to the creation of multilateral trade institutions. He is also a faculty member of the Environmental and Natural Resource Program where he co-leads the Food Resiliency Project.
For more information, visit the School of Law's faculty web site.
Recent Submissions
Fakhri, Michael; Eslava, Luis; Nesiah, Vasuki
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Fakhri, Michael
(American Society of International Law Unbound, 2014)
Fakhri, Michael
(Notre Dame Journal of International & Comparative Law, 2011)
There is an emerging consensus that the WTO is in grave need of institutional redesign. For the last fifteen years, questions of WTO institutional reform have been framed as a matter of improving the WTO's legitimacy. This ...
Fakhri, Michael
(Wisconsin International Law Journal, 2011)
Fakhri, Michael
(University of Oregon School of Law, 2012)
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