Browsing Hillsboro, Oregon Planning Documents by Title


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  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2007-11-16)
    Adopted amendments are text amendments to Comprehensive Plan Section 6 Natural Resources, Open Space, Scenic and Historical Sites. Amendments update former language regarding Cultural Resource Inventory maintenance and ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-02-13)
    A new Section 134C to the Zoning Ordinance entitled Helvetia Area Special Industrial District (HSID) that is consistent with a new Comprehensive Plan Section 25 implementation measures requiring the City to create a new ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-02-13)
    A new Section 25 to the Comprehensive Plan entitled Helvetia Area Industrial Plan that prescribes land use goals, policies and implementation measures for the area supported by information, data, analyses of land use, ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-02-13)
    A new Section 134B to the Zoning Ordinance entitled Evergreen Area Special Industrial District (ESID) that is consistent with a new Comprehensive Plan Section 24 implementation measures requiring the City to create a new ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-02-13)
    A new Section 24 to the Comprehensive Plan entitled Evergreen Area Industrial Plan that prescribes land use goals, policies and implementation measures for the area supported by information, data, analyses of land use, ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-03-09)
    The applicant proposes to change the comprehensive plan map designation from IN to C for an approximately 2 81-acre portion of a 3.81-acre subject site. The subject site currently has split plan designations, with the C ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-03-21)
    Amend the Hillsboro Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to change the plan designation from PF Public Facility to IN Industrial, as well as modify the following City Transportation System Plan Maps: Hillsboro Functional ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-03-26)
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-04-24)
    The total site is approximately 20.83 acres in size. A Comprehensive Plan Map designation of City PF Public Facility was approved for the 15.57 acre southern portion. The southern portion is located on Washington County ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-05-14)
    The total site is approximately 20.83 acres in size. A Comprehensive Plan Map designation of City RL Low Density Residential was approved for the 5.26 acre northern portion. The northern portion is located on Washington ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-06-26)
    The applicant proposes to change the comprehensive plan map designation from RL to RM for the subject site consisting of five properties totaling 3.98 acres (Tax Lots 1900, 2000, 2200, 2300, 2400 on Tax Map 1N23 IBB). The ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-08-26)
    Adopted amendments are to Section 48A. Mixed Use Districts of the Zoning Ordinance. The amendments ar intended to simplify and improve development flexibility and better satisfy the purpose of the MU-C Mixed Use Commercial ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-09-03)
    Adopted amendment is to Section 140.111.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 1945 to remove a requirement for a private alley through a block in Historic Orenco and remove a restriction on access onto NW 231 Avenue.
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-12-11)
    Adopted amendments to multiple sections of Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 1945 to amend the previously approved Density Design and Open space Amendment package approved in 2007.
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-12-11)
    Adopted amendments to multiple sections of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 2808 to amend the previously approved Density Design and Open space Amendment package approved in August 2007.
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2008-12-11)
    Adopted amendments to multiple sections of the Subdivision Ordinance No. 2808 to amend the previously approved Density Design and Open space Amendment package approved in August 2007.
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2009-04-27)
    Zoning Ordinance text amendment to broaden the variety of uses permitted within the C-4 Neighborhood Commercial zone, to include commercial schools (dance, martial arts, fitness) with a 2,500 square foot maximum size, and ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2009-06-19)
    The adopted Zoning Ordinance amendment amends the standards regarding Bed and Breakfast Inns where allowed as conditional uses in residential zones. The amendments remove a restriction which only allows such establishments ...
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2009-10-09)
  • Hillsboro (Or.) (Hillsboro, 2009-10-09)
    Amendments create a new AU Airport Use zone and six new ASCO Airport Safety and Compatibility Overlay zones, as required by OAR 660-13.

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