North Plains : Comprehensive plan
North Plains (Or.)
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City of North Plains (Or.)
The City of North Plains is a rural residential community located in western
Washington County on the western fringe of the Portland metropolitan area. Platted in
1910, the community was incorporated in 1963. In 1980 the community had approximately
750 residents which is expected to approach 2000 residents by the year 2000....[t]he City has embarked on a comprehensive land use planning process designed to...Address the statewide planning goals of the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC); Encourage orderly and coordinated urban growth and provide urban level
services in an efficient and economic manner;
Enhance community livability and encourage economic expansion; and Preserve the community's character and natural resources for future generations. [From the Plan]
116 pp. Bookmarks modified by UO. Most recent amendment November 15, 2004. Captured February 23, 2006.
Community development -- Oregon -- North Plains, City planning -- Oregon -- North Plains, Land use -- Oregon -- North Plains -- Planning