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  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-01-28)
    An amendment/rezone request to rezone approximately 20 acres of the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Forest Mixed Use (FMU), and to amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan Designation
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-01-28)
    An amendment/rezone request to rezone 19.08 acres from Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Forest Mixed Use (FMU) and to amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan Designation
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-06-13)
    An amendment/rezone request to rezone the Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) portion of the subject property to Forest Mixed Use (FMU) and amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan map designation.
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-06-13)
    An amendment/rezone request to rezone the subject property from Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) to Forest Mixed Use (FMU) and amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan map designation.
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-08-08)
    Amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning and Land Development Ordinance to list bridge crossings, bridge crossing support structures and dredging necessary for installation in Zoning District Isthmus Slough ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-08-08)
    An amendment/rezone request to rezone the subject property from Forest Mixed Use (FMU) and Recreation (REC) to Commercial (C-l) and amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan map designation.
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-10-02)
    Amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan official zoning map and Zoning and Land Development Ordinance to rezone the subject property from Rural Residential-5 (RR-5) to urban residential-2 (UR-2). ADOPTED ON REMAND FROM LUBA
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2008-12-15)
    To delete the existing language in the Coos County Zoning and Land Development Ordinance Section 4.1.900(2) Split-zoning provisions, and replace it with new language in order to comply with ORS Chapter 215 and related OARs.
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2009-01-09)
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2009-03-16)
    Adopt Article 5.0, Administration and Application Review Provisions, to the coos county Zoning and Land Development Ordinance (CCZLDO), to include new provisions for pre-application conferences, application completeness, ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2009-05-14)
    Repeal current provisions for proprty line adjustments and adopt new provisions consistent with ORS Chapter 92 and 2008 Special Session Amendments. Also, housekeeping changes to heraing procedures, land divisions, and urban ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2009-07-20)
    An amendment/rezone request to rezone a portion of the subject property from Forest Mixed Use (FMU) to Rural Residential-5 (RR-5) and amend the Coos County Comprehensive Plan Map designation.
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2009-09-11)
    Legislative amendments to Chapter 2, Article 2.1 Definitions pertaining to floodplain regulations. Amendments to and new provisions to Article 4.6 to address new and changed floodplain regulations. Amendments to Plan Policy ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2009-09-24)
    A comprehensive Plan Map Amendments to change the Plan Map designations from Recreation and Forest to Agriculture and amendments to change the zoning map designation from Recreation (REC) and Forest (F) to Exclusive Farm ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2010-01-22)
    . Legislative amendments to the Coos county Zoning and Land Development Ordinance Table 4.3 Coquille River Estuarine Uses/Activities Matrix to permit diking and fill in aquatic segment 16-Natrual when a reconfigured or ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2010-01-29)
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2010-02-05)
    Amend 2003 Bandon Dunes Resort Master Plan and associated supplementary exception statement to authorize beach grass removal and dunal plant habitat reclamation project supported by small-footprint golf course with not ...
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2010-08-20)
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2010-10-28)
    A Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment to change the zoning map from Rural Residential-5 (RR-5) Rural Residential (RR-2).
  • Coos County (Or.) (Coos County, 2012-02-06)
    Coos County amendment to its Comprehensive Plan and Implementating Ordinance to adopt a new Transportation System Plan.

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