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  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2006-03-01)
    Change the Plan Designation of a 40.01-acre property from Forest Conservation and Management to Farm/Forest. Change the Zoning Map designationfromFCM to F/F.
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2006-03-01)
    Change the Plan Designation of a 28.62-acre property from Farm/Forest to Non-Resource. Change the Zoning Map designation from Farm/Forest fF/F> to Non-Resource (NR-5).
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2006-10-26)
    Adopt exceptions to Goal 3 and Goal 4: Change the Plan Designation of a 44.23-acre property from Farm/Forest to Rural Residential; Change the Zoning Map designation from Farm/Forest (F/F) to Rural Residential (RR-10-).
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2006-12-20)
    Amend the Comprehensive Plan aggregate resource inventory to include the 50-acre property in the inventory of significant aggregate resource sites: and apply the Aggregate Resource Overlay (ARO) to the property.
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2007-08-30)
    Linn County approved a Comprehensive Plan map amendment and a zoning map amendment to expand the Brownsville Urban Growth Boundary by 1.4 acres and to remove the Linn County Agricultural Resource designation on the 1.4 ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2007-12-03)
    Amended the Harrisburg population projection to 5,992 in 2027 and Tangent 2020 projection 1,501 in 2026.
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2008-12-26)
    Applicants proposed to expand Mill City's urban growth boundary by 9.16 acres. The property is currently zoned Rural Residential 2 1/2 acre minimum (RR-2 1/2) Once included m the urban growth boundary, the land would be ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2009-03-12)
    A comprehensive plan text amendment to add a 28.04-acre portion of a 128.86-acre property to the Linn County aggregate inventory as a significant aggregate resource site. A zone map amendment to add an aggregate resource ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2009-06-02)
    Applicant proposed to amend Comprehensive Plan map designation from Rural Residential Reserve-Farm Forest to Non Resource and amend zoning map from Farm/Forest (F/F) to Non Resource-5 acre minimum (NR-5) on a 15.00-acre property.
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2009-06-26)
    A comprehensive plan text amendment to add a 216-acre portion of a 451.21-acre property to the Linn County aggregate inventory as a significant aggregate resource site. A zone map amendment to add an aggregate resource ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2009-06-26)
    A comprehensive plan text amendment to add a 216-acre portion of a 451.21-acre property to the Linn County aggregate inventory as a significant aggregate resource site. A zone map amendment to add an aggregate resource ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2010-06-30)
    A comprehensive plan text amendment to add a 53.3-acre portion of a 444.70-acre property to the Linn County aggregate inventory as a significant aggregate resource site. A zone map amendment to add an aggregate resource ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2010-07-01)
    A comprehensive plan text amendment to add a 70-acre portion of a 73.39-acre property to the Linn County aggregate inventory as a significant aggregate resource site. A zone map amendment to add an aggregate resource overlay ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2010-08-19)
    The applicant proposed to amend the Linn County Comprehensive Plan map designation on a 10.00-acre property from Farm/Forest to Rural Residential and amend the zoning map designation from Farm/Forest (F/F) to Rural ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2010-08-19)
    Applicant proposed to amend Comprehensive Plan map designation from Farm/Forest to Non-Resource and amend zoning map designation from Farm/Forest (F/F) to Non-Resource-5 acre minimum (NR-5) on a 55.00acre property. The ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2010-09-30)
    -Ad-opt the floodplain element of the comprehensive plan to adopt new FEMA maps.
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2011-03-01)
    An urban exception was approved to allow the applicant to construct a 6200 square-foot building to house a convenience store and inside fast-food restaurant. The property is split-zoned Freeway Interchange Commercial (FIC) ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2011-04-22)
    A comprehensive plan text amendment to add a 37.1-acre portion of a 84.11-acre property to the L in County aggregate inventory as a significant aggregate resource site. A zone map amendment to add an aggregate resource ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2011-05-25)
    The Linn County Board of Commissioners approved an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan map designation from Rural Residential Reserve-Farm Forest to Non Resource and an amendment of the zoning map designation from Farm/Forest ...
  • Linn County (Or.) (Linn County, 2011-10-27)
    Amend Plan LCC 905.820(B)(d-e) to be consistent with ORS 215.296, 215.298 and OAR 660-23-0010; 660023-0010 & 660-023-0240. Add Appendix 9(Significant site but not protected by Goal 5). Correct Error in Appendix 7 for ...

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