Long-Term Impact of COACh: Results from a Survey Administered in 2015-16

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Stockard, Jean

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This report summarizes responses to an internet-based survey sent to women chemists who attended COACh-sponsored workshops co-located at the National American Chemical Society meetings from 2006 to 2010. Ninety-two women responded to an initial mailing of the survey in March, 2015, and 92 attendees responded. An additional 22 people responded to a second mailing in April, 2016.1 The survey followed the format of a 2007 survey sent to people who had attended COACh sponsored workshops, described in a 2010 article in Journal of Chemical Education. Questions were designed to examine the impact of the workshop on their interactions with others and their careers as well as to gather information on their career experiences. The first section below summarizes respondents’ reports of the impact of the workshops and how often they used the skills that were taught. The second section summarizes information on the characteristics of the respondents, and the third examines the way in which respondents’ characteristics and career experiences were (or were not) related to the reported impact of the workshop. The fourth section compares data from this survey and that gathered in 2007, and a final section summarizes respondents reports of how COACh could help them in the future.


9 pages


chemist women, workshops, Chemical Education


Long-Term Impact of COACh – Results from a Survey Administered in 2015-16. J. Stockard, September 2016. University of Oregon, Eugene: COACh.
