Browsing Federal Agencies (Oregon Regional Offices) by Title


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  • Detroit Ranger District (Or.) (2002-12)
    Proposes to treat eight forest stands totaling an estimated 187 acres within the East Humbug Creek drainage by removing most trees below 11 inches in diameter by either commercial thinning or understory removal or a ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2006-09)
    Announces decision to categorically exclude from EA or EIS documentation the proposed action to construct an animal exclusion fence around the perimeter of the seed orchard to protect orchard trees from big game browse.
  • Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-11)
    Proposes several alternatives for project initiating tree thinning, fuel reduction, and rehabilitation work, including placing large wood into Five Points Creek.
  • Umatilla National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2008-06-30)
    Announces decision implementing project, including salvaging dead trees, activity fuel treatment, and temporary road construction.
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office (2008-07-25)
    Announces decision to authorize the Suicide Squeeze Density Management project, completing implementation of Alternative Two of the Olalla-Lookingglass LSR Density Management EA (pp. 4-11), and continuing implementation ...
  • Heppner Ranger District (Or.) (2006-06)
    EA proposes vegetation and fuels management on about 10,000 acres to improve the health and vigor of the upland forest, and reduce the potential for future fires of uncharacteristic effects in upland forests. Includes ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2008-01-22)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project EA, reducing hazardous fuels in the wildland-urban interface adjacent to Sunriver to reduce wildland fire risk to communities and forest values and to provide obvious, ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2007-12)
    Proposes to reduce hazardous fuels in the wildland-urban interface adjacent to Sunriver to reduce wildland fire risk to communities and forest values, and to provide obvious, safe access and evacuation routes. Includes ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2007-02-07)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project EA, continuing a special use permit issued to Four Rivers Vector Control District for treatment of mosquitoes with the bacterial insecticide Bti on federally-owned ...
  • Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.) (2007)
    Proposes to continue a special use permit issued to Four Rivers Vector Control District for treatment of mosquitoes with the bacterial insecticide Bti on federally-owned land near Sunriver, modified to expand the treatment ...
  • Siuslaw National Forest (Agency : U.S.) (2005)
    Documents an analysis of a portion of the Marys River Watershed, supplementing the information found in the 1999 preliminary analysis. Recommendations include forest and precommercial thinning, planting trees to restore ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office (2004-08-02)
    Announces decision not to modify the original decision document in light of the supplemental EA, which provided an analysis of the direct, indirect and cumulative effects of the harvest on red tree voles.
  • Sisters Ranger District (Or.) (2001-07-26)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative B with minor modifications of the project EA, which addresses the types and level of structures, roads, and trails to be developed at the Resort, and addresses restoration, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District (2009-02-19)
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District (1996-03)
    Announces decision implementing preferred Alternative D, "Emphasize Natural Values While Accommodating Commodity Production," for a long-range plan to provide a framework for future use and management of natural resources. ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District (1995-03)
    Proposes long-range plan to provide a framework for future use and management of natural resources. Preferred alternative, "Emphasize Natural Values While Accommodating Commodity Production," proposes plans for road access, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office (2004-06-22)
    Announces decision to authorize the implementation of the Proposed Action. The purpose of this project is restoration of spawning and rearing habitat in North Fork Big Tom Folley Creek, Big Tom Folley Creek, and Susan Creek ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office (1995-06-02)
    Proposes restoration of spawning and rearing habitat along a total of 2 1/2 miles of North Fork Big Tom Folley Creek, Big Tom Folley Creek, and Susan Creek for resident and anadromous salmonids, through the enhancement of ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office (2004-06-22)
    Determines no environmental impact statement is needed for project restoring spawning and rearing habitat in North Fork Big Tom Folley Creek, Big Tom Folley Creek, and Susan Creek for resident and anadromous salmonids, ...
  • United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office (2001-05-07)
    Determines no environmental impact statement is needed for project harvesting young growth timber in the Upper Coast Fork of the Willamette River, Elk Creek and Little River Watersheds.

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