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Browsing Lake Oswego, Oregon Planning Documents by Title
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Lake Oswego (Or.)
(United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Region X, 2010-04-08)
The City of Lake Oswego Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan includes resources and
information to assist City residents, public and private sector organizations, and others
interested in participating in planning for natural ...
Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2005-03-15)
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) forecasts the City's capital needs over a five-year period based on various City-adopted long-range plans, goals and policies. Capital projects are generally large-scale endeavors in terms ...
Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2009-06-01)
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is intended to be a 5 year forecast which identifies major projects
requiring the expenditure of public funds over and above routine annual operating expenses. The
City identifies ...
Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2006-03-09)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2004-05-18)
This urban renewal plan update, hereinafter called â The Plan,â has been prepared by the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency â The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lake Oswego, pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Evergreen Neighborhood Association (Lake Oswego, Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2005-11)
The Neighborhood Plan, as a set of goals, policies and recommended action measures,
will become part of the City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan. Status as a part of
the Comprehensive Plan assures that the goals and ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); First Addition Neighbors; Lake Oswego (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 1996-12-03)
The First Addition Neighborhood Plan is intended to retain those aspects of the
neighborhood that contribute to its quality of life: housing variety and affordability,
“small-town” atmosphere, walkable streets and alleys ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Glenmorrie Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee (Lake Oswego, Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2000-06-15)
Development of the Glenmorrie Neighborhood Plan involved the careful consideration of
many different factors and issues to make the best decisions for the neighborhood for the
short and long term. The goals and policies ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Forest Neighborhood Association (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2002-03-05)
The Lake Forest Neighborhood (LFNA) lies at the westerly end of Lake Oswego. It is bordered by the I-5 Freeway on the west, Boones Ferry Road on the South, Waluga Drive on the east and Meadows Road on the north. Most of ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Grove Neighborhood Association (Lake Oswego, Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 1998-12-01)
The Lake Grove Plan consists of six goal and policy chapters as follows:
Goal 1: Citizen Involvement;
Goal 5: Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Resources and Natural Resources;
Goal 9: Economic Development/Commercial ...
Lake Oswego (Or.). Planning Division; Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2006-01-26)
The intent of the Neighborhood Planning Kit is to provide a clear and easy-to-follow guide for Lake Oswego Neighborhoods as they work with City staff to prepare their Neighborhood Plan. [From the document]
Lake Oswego (Or.); Old Town Neighborhood Association (Lake Oswego, Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 1998)
Goals: assure that single family homes are protected during the area’s transition to higher density residential use;
facilitate good architectural design and site planning which maintains residential choices of unit size, ...
Palisades Neighborhood Association; Lake Oswego (Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2008-11-04)
This document outlines the items from the 2008 adopted Palisades Neighborhood Plan that will amend the City of Lake Oswego Comprehensive Plan. An explanatory section on Plan Organization has been provided as background for ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Drew Harrington Associates; Sports Management Group; BOORA Architects; Lake Oswego (Or.). Parks & Recreation Dept.
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2007-06-11)
The Steering Committee recommends that the community center contain a
variety of program and support services spaces that will fulfill a wide range of
needs in Lake Oswego that are currently unmet by existing City ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Otak, Inc.; Clackamas County (Or.). Dept. of Utilities
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 1992-07)
In March 1991 the City of Lake Oswego contracted with OTAK to prepare a Surface Water Management (SWM) Master Plan for major drainages within the City's Urban Sevices Boundary (USB). In addition to areas incorporated within ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Charbonneau Engineering, LLC
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2008-01)
A traffic study for Lakeridge High School was conducted to determine the traffic
impacts associated with instituting Friday night varsity football games at Lakeridge
High School.... An appendix to the report contains ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Oswego (Or.). Parks & Recreation Dept.; Alta Planning and Design
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2003-06-17)
The Plan proposes the development of a
hierarchical trail system that integrates
regional, community connector, and local
access trails ....This hierarchical
system of community members a wide
variety ...
Otak, Inc.; MIG, Inc.; Lake Oswego (Or.); DKS Associates
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2006-05-17)
The Lake Oswego Transportation Management Plan for Downtown Neighborhoods was
initiated as a citizen driven project to identify and analyze existing and potential future
transportation impacts to the neighborhoods which ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Oswego (Or.). Planning Division
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2007-12)
The purpose of the Urban and Community
Forestry Plan is to bring together policies,
practices, and plans related to Lake Oswego’s
urban forest. The Plan is intended to support
tree stewardship on both public and ...
Lake Oswego (Or.); Waluga Neighborhood Association (Lake Oswego, Or.)
(City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2002-03-05)
The Plan was developed over a period of over five years by the Waluga Neighborhood Association Plan Steering Committee and involved substantial research, review and discussions. The Neighborhood Plan has been incorporated ...
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