Browsing Portland, Oregon Planning Documents by Subject "River Renaissance"


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  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Water Bureau; Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland (Or.). Office of Sustainable Development; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-12)
    This strategy, like the River Renaissance Vision, highlights the Willamette River as Portland's centerpiece. However, the geographic scope of the vision and the strategy extends beyond the Willamette River corridor to ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services; Portland (Or.). Office of Sustainable Development; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Port of Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.); Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Water Bureau; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-09-18)
    [This] report provides an important touchstone to reflect on the progress being made toward the River Renaissance Vision. The report presents a comprehensive summary of the many projects, programs, and partners that ...
  • Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Port of Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services; Portland (Or.). Water Bureau; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.). Office of Sustainable Development; Portland Parks and Recreation (2007-11)
    The River Plan is the City's project to guide, inspire, and facilitate actions along the Willamette River as it flows through Portland. This comprehensive, multi-objective plan will update the 1987 Willamette Greenway Plan, ...

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