Portland, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Port of Portland (Or.); Jacobs Consultancy; HNTB Corporation; Alcantar & Associates; Cephas, Inc.; David Evans and Associates; DKS Associates; NEXTOR; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; Parametrix, Inc.; Synergy Consultants; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (Port of Portland (Or.), 2008-09)
    This technical memorandum presents an inventory of existing conditions (Inventory) related to the role of Portland International Airport (the Airport, or PDX) within the region, its current operations and facilities, and ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Urban Vitality Group; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008)
    The Urban Vitality Group (UVG) partnered with the City of Portland, Bureau of Planning to study the effects that food carts have on street vitality and neighborhood livability. The number of food carts within the city ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-05)
    The study's purpose is to: Provide information on changing demographics and development in the East Portland study area; Assess issues such as levels of neighborhood change, availability of commercial services, and ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Jacobs Consultancy; Alcantar & Associates; Cephas, Inc.; David Evans and Associates; DKS Associates; NEXTOR; Parametrix, Inc.; Synergy Consultants; Zimmer Gunsul Frasca (Port of Portland (Or.), 2008-09)
    This technical memorandum summarizes the aviation demand forecasts prepared for the 2010 Portland International Airport Master Plan Update. This technical memorandum also provides historical data on the regional population ...
  • Port of Portland (Or.); W&H Pacific (Port of Portland (Or.), 2008-04)
    The Port and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated a Master Plan Update project in 2006. An Airport Master Plan is a 20-year guide that outlines how the physical development of an airport can satisfy ...
  • Regional Arts and Culture Council; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-11-08)
    With regard to its public art collection, including public art murals, the City acts as a patron of arts, not as a regulator. This distinguishes this amendment from the old, broader exemption for all murals that was ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-10)
    The intent of the charrette was to seek stakeholder input into the creation of an urban design framework plan and preferred alternative for zoning amendments regulating the use of height and FAR in the plan area. [From ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-05)
    To maintain consistency with more recently adopted Subdistrict Design Guidelines (e.g. South Waterfront Design Guidelines) and to keep the document concise and simple. [From the Document]
  • Zimmer Gunsul Frasca; JD White (Firm); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-06)
    The North Pearl District Plan is a neighborhood plan intended to direct public and private development and investment in the portion of the Pearl District north of NW Lovejoy Street. [From the Plan]
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning and Sustainability; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2009-01-21)
    The vegetation mapping project originated in 2004 as the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability was developing a new automated GIS model to inventory landscape features that contribute to riparian and upland natural resource ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1999-04-21)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government's comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 1998)
    A product of citizen, business and professional planners' efforts, the Downtown Plan has had an incomparable impact on Portland's evolution. Twenty-five years later, the plan is a living document that continues to ...
  • Adolfson Associates; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-06)
    The purpose of this inventory report is to provide useful, current, and accessible information on the location of existing natural resource features and the current relative condition of riparian corridors and wildlife ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-08-19)
    The Natural Resource Inventory Update project is part of Portland's long-standing investment in conserving the natural resources in the City. Previous inventories produced by the City did not have access to GIS information ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2004)
    The stream mapping project originated in 2003 as the Bureau of Planning was developing a new automated GIS model to map and rank landscape features that contribute to riparian resource values and functions. This map will ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Nevue Ngan Associates; Ellen Vanderslice Architect; Parametrix, Inc. (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-10)
    The Russell Street Improvements Planning Project outlines a street design concept plan for Russell Street, N Mississippi and N Albina Avenues. MAX will bring increased pedestrian traffic to the Lower Albina industrial ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 1998-10)
    The purpose of Portland's Pedestrian Design Guide is to integrate the wide range of design criteria and practices into a coherent set of new standards and guidelines that, over time, will promote an environment conducive ...
  • EnviroIssues (Firm); Emmons Architects; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Transportation; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-06)
    This North Interstate Corridor Plan seeks to guide new development and public and private investment in a way that responds to Portlanders' values, which emerged through the recent visionPDX community conversations: ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Transportation; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-04)
    The North Interstate Corridor Plan is intended to encourage transit-supportive development along the light rail corridor to increase neighborhood economic vitality, amenities and services, and optimize the region's ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning and Sustainability; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2009-03-24)
    This document describes a series of actions to improve the function and appearance of the town center, both in the near- and long-term. Taken together, these physical changes should significantly increase access to and ...

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