Portland, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Port of Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services; Portland (Or.). Water Bureau; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.). Office of Sustainable Development; Portland Parks and Recreation (2007-11)
    The River Plan is the City's project to guide, inspire, and facilitate actions along the Willamette River as it flows through Portland. This comprehensive, multi-objective plan will update the 1987 Willamette Greenway Plan, ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-07)
    The Citywide Industrial Land Inventory is a site-by-site description of Portland's industrial land supply. The Portland Bureau of Planning conducted the inventory in partnership with the Portland Development Commission. This ...
  • Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland Development Commission; Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-10)
    This Conditions Report summarizes the results of some of the research and analytical work the City has accomplished since City Council endorsed the River Renaissance Vision. Each of the five theme chapters was developed ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Water Bureau; Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland (Or.). Office of Sustainable Development; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Development Services (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-12)
    This strategy, like the River Renaissance Vision, highlights the Willamette River as Portland's centerpiece. However, the geographic scope of the vision and the strategy extends beyond the Willamette River corridor to ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1991-07-31)
    This document contains the Central Eastside District Design Guidelines. These guidelines are intended to serve as a supplement to the Fundamental Design Guidelines of the Central City Plan. The "Fundamentals" provide a ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-07)
    The Oregon Legislature recently amended the Historic Special Assessment Program to allow owners of historic residential property to apply for a second 15-year period of special assessment if the local jurisdiction adopts ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-02)
    This document, Historic Context, Hawthorne Boulevard from SE 20th to SE 55th Avenues, supports materials prepared to evaluate historic resources in an area that may be affected by the Hawthorne transportation project. ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (2006-03-23)
    This document summarizes and evaluates the historical and architectural characteristics and significance of the Centennial Mill property, currently owned by the Portland Development Commission. It is intended to inform ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-09)
    Portland's Zoning Code includes special provisions that encourage new historic listings and increase the potential for historic structures to be renovated and rehabilitated by increasing land use flexibility and redevelopment ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2005-09-23)
    This document summarizes important historic resources-related provisions of Portland's Zoning Code (Title 33: Planning and Zoning). Relevant sections are scattered throughout the Code, but are found primarily in Chapter ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Historical Landmarks Commission (Portland, Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-01)
    This document summarizes a number of financial programs -- primarily grants, loans and tax benefits -- that support historic preservation, renovation and rehabilitation projects and programs in Portland. These programs are ...
  • Portland Historical Landmarks Commission (Portland, Or.); Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1974)
    These are some of the notions, plans and methods which indicate that the preservation movement is off dead-center and moving in a positive direction. [From the document]
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 1993-06)
    This report to the Planning Commission documents public outreach undertaken and information gathered in the first phase of the Livable City Project. It also makes recommendations for the work program in Phase II. [From ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1989-02)
    The 1987 Vacant Land Inventory updates the City's Comprehensive Plan vacant land inventory through June 1987 to provide a current data base and to address new requirements adopted by the Land Conservation and ...
  • Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Collins, Maggie; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1999-02)
    This Compliance Report builds upon the Compliance Evaluation submitted to Metro in August 1998. It describes Portland's "compliance" with requirements and recommendations made in Metro's Urban Growth Management ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (Portland Development Commission, 2000-08)
    This study was conducted by the Portland Development Commission (PDC) to provide a foundation for a housing implementation strategy for Downtown Portland. The scope of work consisted of profiling existing demographic, ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (Portland Development Commission, 2005-10)
    The Portland Development Commission (PDC) conducted an inventory of the residential units in the Central City to better understand the overall housing profile in this market area. The inventory provides information on ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (Portland Development Commission, 2005-03-14)
    [This report] looks at multiple options to preserve or replace the Jefferson West Apartments. The Jefferson West is approaching physical obsolescence and a plan for either substantial upgrades or replacement of those ...
  • Netusil, Noelwah; Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Findley, Tim; Klain, Sarah (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-05)
    This study uses the hedonic price method to examine how environmental zoning and amenities such as tree canopy, streams, wetlands, and open spaces, are related to the price of single-family residential properties sold ...
  • Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1994)
    The Neighborhood Planning Handbook focuses primarily on the neighborhood planning process. Over time, a consistent format and process has emerged for neighborhood plans. There is also information on conducting a shorter ...

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