Portland, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; visionPDX (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-09)
    What follows is a written representation of what over 15,000 people said through visionPDX that they want for Portland’s future. The following sections describe: Shared values -- Community principles largely agreed upon ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-02)
    This document establishes a common understanding of the improvements required in the River Districtâ s public rights-ofway. Both private and public street improvements are subject to this document and approval by the ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-05)
    As a part of the 1992 update of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, the North Portland Peninsula neighborhoods requested, and the City Council mandated, that the Portland Office of Transportation look ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 1997-07-30)
    [T]he City of Portland's Pedestrian Transportation Program undertook a study of Hawthorne Boulevard. The planning process sought to produce a greater balance among the users of Hawthorne, with an emphasis on alternative ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-07-09)
    The Foster Transportation and Streetscape Plan was initiated at the request of the community through the Foster Target Area project. The goal of the planning process was to develop a plan that would outline improvements ...
  • Portland (Or.); Eastside Streetcar Alignment Steering Committee (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2003-06-25)
    The Eastside Steering Committee is asked to prepare recommendations on the Eastside Streetcar alignment for consideration by the Portland City Council through a preliminary assessment including the following: preferred ...
  • Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1995-12-06)
    Action Items [and District Strategies] are proposed to be adopted through City Council Resolution. These items are suggestions on how the Central City can be improved.... Some will need to be modified, or in some cases, ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-02)
    The Freight Master Plan covers the broad range of freight transport modes but has a primary focus on truck freight mobility due to the Cityâ s jurisdiction over the street network. Trucks use city-owned roads to ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Swan Island Transportation Management Association; Alta Planning and Design (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-01)
    Swan Island provides the regional and local community with a number of invaluable assets, the most prominent being family-wage employment and direct access to the Willamette River and other ecological resources. However, ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-05)
    In October 2003, PP&R [Portland Parks & Recreation] began the Red Electric Trail Study to investigate potential routes for an east-west trail that would extend the Fanno Creek Greenway Trail, creating a continuous, 16-mile ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 1998-07-01)
    The Bicycle Master Plan address five key elements: policies and objectives that form part of Portlandâ s Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element; developing a recommended bikeway network; providing end-of-trip ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation (City of Portland (Or.), 2007-04-05)
    The TSP helps implement the regionâ s 2040 Growth Concept by supporting a transportation system that makes it more convenient for people to walk, bicycle, use transit, and drive less to meet their daily needs. The TSP ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland Historical Landmarks Commission (Portland, Or.); Ladd's Addition Conservation District Advisory Council (City of Portland (Or.), 1988-02-10)
    To protect he historic character of Ladd's Addition, the City has adopted guidelines and criteria for development and preservation, which apply to both public and private actions. The District Guidelines are intended to ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1996-02-21)
    The purpose of these guidelines is to encourage rehabilitation and new construction which respect and enhance the character of the District. The guidelines are not intended to be inflexible; rather, they seek to guide ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Parks and Recreation (City of Portland (Or.), 2004-03)
    The Management Plan provides an outline of policies and development concepts for the Children’s Arboretum site. The plan outlines a long-term vision for the park and is intended as a guide to prepare construction drawings, ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1994-07)
    The guidelines for the East Portland/Grand Avenue Historic Design Zone are to guide exterior alterations of existing buildings, and new construction, including additions. [From the document]
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1987-08)
    [T]he Skidmore/Old Town Historic District is a unique asset to Portland and has been recognized nationally by its placement on the Register of Historic Places.... The design review process for projects within the Skidmore/Old ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Lair Hill District Advisory Council (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1980-10)
    The... guidelines were generated by the Lair Hill District Advisory Council to provide the designer/developer with a basic tool for new development within the district. Existing buildings in the neighborhood were analyzed ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-11-15)
    The guidelines for the King’s Hill Historic District are intended to guide exterior alterations of existing buildings (including additions) and new construction. The guidelines are designed to maintain and preserve those ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland Historical Landmarks Commission (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2000-09-05)
    This document contains the Historic Alphabet District’s boundary map, historic context statement, and adopted interim design guidelines. The applicability chart for design review and the adopting ordinance are also ...

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