Portland, Oregon Planning Documents: Recent submissions

  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Irvington Community Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1993-09-30)
    This plan will provide guidance on matters of land use, social and economic development programs and capital expenditures for the Irvington Neighborhood. The plan will be used by the community association in determining ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Humboldt Neighborhood Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1993-09-30)
    The Humboldt Neighborhood Plan was developed as a part of the Albina Community Plan. The Albina Community Plan [was]... adopted as part of Portland's Comprehensive Plan.... Specific policies, projects, programs, and ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Development Land Use Steering Committee (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1988-02-10)
    Neighborhood plans are intended to promote patterns of land use, urban design, circulation and services which encourage and contribute to the economic, social, and physical health, safety and welfare of both the neighborhood ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1996-03)
    The Hazelwood Neighborhood Plan will help guide our neighborhood through changes anticipated over the next 20 years. It will provide direction on matters of land use, social and economic development programs and capital ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1986-08-27)
    The Cully/Parkrose Community Plan establishes a framework to guide public and private actions which will shape the future of the community. Continuity with past planning is provided by the adoption into the City's Comprehensive ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1991-12-18)
    The vision statement, policies and objectives were adopted by the City Council. The strategies listed are a starting place to implement the policies of the plan. Most of the strategies require further study or a commitment ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Bridgeton Neighborhood Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1997-11)
    The Bridgeton Neighborhood Plan was written to help guide the neighborhood through...changes anticipated in the next 20 years.... The plan will also guide the neighborhood and associatation as it works with developers and ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1996-01-10)
    Station Community Planning is a process which ensures that light rail station areas offer an effective and attractive means of integrating housing, employment, retail and services into the existing pattern of land uses. ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Planning Committee (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1992-01-22)
    The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Plan was developed by the Brentwood-Darlington Planning Committee and subcommittees, in cooperation with the Bureau of Planning. The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Creston Kenilworth Neighborhood Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1998-05)
    The purpose of the Creston Kenilworth Neighborhood Plan is to plan for change while protecting the neighborhood's livability and diversity.... This plan serves as a blueprint, guiding decision-makers on matters of land ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1996-01-31)
    The Centennial Neighborhood Plan will help guide our neighborhood through changes anticipated over the next 20 years. It will provide direction on matters of land use, social and economic development programs and capital ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Eliot Neighborhood Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1993-10)
    The Eliot Neighborhood Plan was developed from the Eliot/Emanuel Vision Statement. The Vision statement process began in 1988. The Vision Statement was a joint project of the Eliot Neighborhood Association (ENDA) and Emanuel ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 1988-03-24)
    [T]he Plan is to: review the results of the Downtown Plan, build upon its successes and correct its deficiencies, and extend its usefulness to the entire Central City; clarify the functional role of the Central City and ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1996-03)
    The Foster-Powell neighborhood plan cosists of several parts: The Background, the Overall Neighborhood Goal, Comprehensice Plan Policies and Objectives, Action Charts and the Neighborhood Advocacy Agenda. The policies, ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Concordia Neighborhood Association (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1993-10)
    The Concordia Neighborhood Plan sets the direction for future development in the Concordia neighborhood. The Plan reflects the aspirations of the Concordia Neighborhood Association to strengthen neighborhood stability, ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-07)
    The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to provide a coordinated set of guidelines for decisionmaking to guide the future growth and development of the city. Development of methods to implement these guidelines is also ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Brooklyn Neighborhood Plan Steering Committee (Portland, Or.); Matthews, R. P. (City of Portland (Or.), 1991-03)
    Six major areas to be addressed by the plan [are]: neighborhood identity and historic preservation; neighborhood livability and public safety; gathering places: parks, recreation and waterfront activities; housing; commercial ...
  • Downtown Community Association (Portland, Or.); Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (Portland (Or.), 1996-06)
    The Downtown Community Association's Residential Plan has three main goals: (1) to recognize the importance of Downtown as a community gathering place and romantic attraction by encouraging the opportunities for personal ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Plan Committee (Portland, Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 1993-09-30)
    The Arbor Lodge Neighborhood Plan was developed as a part of the Albina Community Plan. The Albina Community Plan, and the neighborhood plans developed with it, were adopted as part of Portland's Comprehensive Plan.... The ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Office of Emergency Management; ECO Northwest, Ltd. (City of Portland (Or.), 2005-08)
    This natural hazard mitigation plan is intended to assist the City of Portland in reducing its risk from natural hazards by identifying resources, information, and strategies for risk reduction. It will also help to ...

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