The main purpose of the Douglas County Community Wildfire Plans is to reduce the risk from wildfire to life, property, and natural resources in Douglas County. Guiding
principles of the fire plan are to:
engage in community-developed landscape-scale fuels treatment projects that reduce wildfire vulnerability to communities at risk on private and public lands; improve survivability to people, homes, and the environment when wildfire occurs; promote wildfire awareness and public safety;
support and enhance the roles and functions of the Countyâ s Fire Districts, Douglas
Forest Protective Association, Coos Forest Protective Association, Western Lane
District: Oregon Department of Forestry and Fire and Emergency Service Providers;
provide education and wildfire prevention knowledge to citizens located in wildfire
risk areas[.] [From the Plan]
221 pp. Includes maps. Each of thirty identified at-risk-areas within the County received its own plan; all are included here in one file in the order in which they are listed in the Introduction, and are bookmarked accordingly: Boulder Creek, Calapooya, Camas Valley/Tenmile, Canyonville South Umpqua, Cavitt Creek, Central County East, Central County West, Cow Creek, Days Creek, Diamond Lake, Dry Creek, Elkton/Scottsburg/Kellogg, Fortune Branch, Jackson Creek, Lemolo Lake, Lookingglass/Winston/Dillard, Loon Lake, Milo, Myrtle Creek/Tri City, North Douglas (Yoncalla/Drain/Rice Valley), North Fork, North Umpqua Village, Nonpareil, Riddle, Steamboat, Susan Creek, Tiller, Toketee, Upper Olalla, Willis Creek. Adopted September 22, 2004; updated January 18, 2006. Captured February 15, 2007.