Heppner, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Heppner Notice of Adopted Amendment (2015-04-10)
    (City of Heppner, 2015-04-10) Heppner (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Heppner Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-10-12)
    (Heppner, 2007-10-12) Heppner (Or.)
    Title 13-Flood Control-new Flood Insurance Study and new Flood Insurance Map produced by FEMA adopted by the City. Updated standards for crawl spaces and critical facilities were also included.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Heppner : The Heppner community strategic plan
    (City of Heppner (Or.), 1999-06) Heppner (Or.); Heppner Coordinating Council
    A decade ago [prior to 1999], the Heppner Economic Development Corporation (HEDC) was founded to guide job maintenance and expansion in the community. In September of 1990, a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis was completed. One of its recommendations was that HEDC develop a strategic plan to plot the course to Heppner's future. Representatives from across the community were invited to form a Community Response Team which then went on to develop the original strategic plan entitled Vision 2000 Goals and Strategies. Upon completion of the Heppner Strategic Plan, the community response team renamed themselves "Heppner Coordinating Council" or HCC for short. Members represent a variety of economic and social community groups and interested individuals that share a common mission of building the economic health, unity, and progress of the Heppner area. One of the main duties of HCC is to regularly update the strategic plan and revise it as needed. Enough changes have occurred within the community and the region that a revision is now appropriate. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Heppner : Transportation system plan
    (City of Heppner (Or.), 2003-06) Heppner (Or.); CTS Engineers; Mitchell Nelson Group; Kittelson & Associates
    This study was prepared as part of a Transportation Growth Management Grant and is formatted to provide the necessary elements for the City of Heppner to assemble its Comprehensive Plan. In addition, this document provides Morrow County and ODOT with recommendations for incorporation with their respective planning efforts. State of Oregon guidelines stipulate that the TSP must be based on the current comprehensive plan land use map and must provide a transportation system that accommodates the expected 20-year growth in population and employment that will result from implementation of the land use plan. Oregon Revised Statute 197.7 12 and the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) administrative rule known as the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) require that all jurisdictions develop the following: a road plan for a network of arterial and collector streets; a public transit plan; a bicycle and pedestrian plan; an air, rail, water, and pipeline plan; a transportation finance plan; and policies and ordinances for implementing the transportation system plan. [From the Plan]