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Browsing Harrisburg, Oregon Planning Documents by Author "Harrisburg (Or.)"
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Harrisburg (Or.)
(City of Harrisburg (Or.), 2000-01-12)
Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents ...
Harrisburg (Or.)
(City of Harrisburg (Or.), 2004)
The purpose of this plan is
to ensure the future transportation system develops in an orderly and cost effective
manner and includes all modes of transportation to the fullest extent possible. The
Plan will serve as a ...
Harrisburg (Or.)
(Harrisburg, 2006-09-18)
Harrisburg (Or.)
(Harrisburg, 2006-10-30)
Harrisburg (Or.)
(Harrisburg, 2010-01-15)
Complete review/amendment of the zoning ordinance. Minor alterations oflanguage & fOlmat used throughout. Moderate changes as follows: Duplex's, min lot size increased from 7,000 sq ft to 8,000 sq ft for duplex on a single ...
Harrisburg (Or.)
(Harrisburg, 2010-07-16)
The City of Harrisburg has revised its existing Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance in order to comply with the FEMA Map Modernization Project. The previous ordinance has been repealed in its entirety. Steve Lucker had ...
Harrisburg (Or.)
(Harrisburg, 2011-03-15)
Harrisburg (Or.)
(Harrisburg, 2012-04-04)
The C ty has added a Public Use Zone to the Zoning Ordinance for the C ; ty. When we are able to proceed with our Urban Growth Boundary expansion, we will amend the zoning map, and will apply this new zoning to all publicly ...
Harrisburg (Or.)
(City of Harrisburg, 2013-01-25)
Harrisburg (Or.)
(City of Harrisburg, 2013-06-28)
Harrisburg (Or.)
(City of Harrisburg, 2013-07-16)
Harrisburg (Or.)
(City of Harrisburg, 2014-10-06)
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