Independence, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2014-02-25)
    (City of Independence, 2014-02-25) Independence (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2013-01-28)
    (City of Independence, 2013-01-28) Independence (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-06-20)
    (Independence, 2007-06-20) Independence (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-02-06)
    (Independence, 2012-02-06) Independence (Or.)
    Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment from Residential to Commercial. Zone Map amendment from Medium Density Residential (RM) to Mixed Use Pedestrian Friendly Commercial (MUPC) for Lot 704 and 1200 of Map 8.4.29AA. Assessor map attached.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-01-10)
    (Independence, 2012-01-10) Independence (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-11-23)
    (Independence, 2011-11-23) Independence (Or.)
    Comprehensive Plan map amendment from Medium Density Residential to Commercial. Zone maD amendment from Medium Density Residential to Mixed Use Pedestrian Friendly Commercial, The property is an existing non-conforming use and the rezone would permit the outright continued use in the Commercial zone.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-11-18)
    (Independence, 2011-11-18) Independence (Or.)
    Amended the Comprehensive Plan Map designation from Industrial to Commercial and changed zoning from Light Industrial (IL) to Mixed Use Pedestrian Friendly Commercial (MUPC) on a, 3.16 acre parcel within the city of Independence.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-11-03)
    (Independence, 2009-11-03) Independence (Or.)
    The City of Independence has received an application to annex approximately 20 acres, the existing City of Monmouth well fields. The applicant is also requesiing a Comp Plan Map Amendment from Low Density Residential to Public Service and a Zone Change from Suburban Residential (Polk County) to Public Service (City of Independence designation).
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-12-14)
    (Independence, 2006-12-14) Independence (Or.)
    Legislative amendments to the City of Independence Development Code to update the Flood Plain Overlay Zone (Sub Chapter 51). The proposed changes would 1.) adopt and reference the revised Flood Insurance Study report and maps: 2.) add definitions for "breakaway wall", "elevated building", "substantial damage" and "water dependent"; 3.) require below-grade crawlspaces to meet National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements: 4.) add uses permitted in underlying zone to permitted use section; 5.) add specific standards for recreational vehicles located in special flood hazard areas: and 6.) limit granting variances to accessory structures in the flood plain to 300 square feet.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-05-12)
    (Independence, 2006-05-12) Independence (Or.)
    The City of Independence has approved an application to annex approximately 60.5 acres, the Independence State Airport into the city limits. Upon annexation, the three parcels were designated Airport Development District.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence : Transportation system plan
    (City of Independence (Or.), 2007-06) Independence (Or.); Parametrix, Inc.
    The Independence Transportation System Plan (TSP) establishes the City’s goals, policies and action strategies for developing and improving the transportation system within the Independence Urban Growth Boundary. The Independence TSP outlines a twenty-year plan to guide transportation improvements and to enhance general mobility throughout this city of over 7,000 residents. The TSP is intended to serve as a blueprint or master plan to guide transportation decisions to address both short and long term needs over the coming decades. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence : Urban renewal plan
    (City of Independence (Or.), 2001-09-25) Independence (Or.)
    The purpose of this Renewal Plan is to eliminate blighting influences found in the Renewal Area, to implement goals and objectives of the City of Independence Comprehensive Plan, and to implement development strategies and objectives for the Independence Urban Renewal Area.... The Report on the Plan for the Independence Urban Renewal Area provides technical information to support the Plan and to assist the Renewal Agency and the City Council in their deliberations on the Independence Urban Renewal Plan. [From the Plan and Report]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence : Transportation system plan
    (City of Independence (Or.), 1998-07-14) Independence (Or.); Mid Willamette Valley Council of Governments
    This document describes and implements a plan to provide an economical, efficient, safe, accessible, and multimodal transportation system for the community of Independence, Oregon. The Transportation System Plan (TSP) satisfies state and federal transportation planning requirements under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (TPR). The TPR, adopted in 1991 and amended in 1995, implements State Planning Goal 12 - Transportation. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Independence : Development code
    (City of Independence (Or.), 2001-12-13) Independence (Or.)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents under their own titles. In some cases the sections pertaining to subdivision of land may be included in the zoning ordinance.