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Browsing Bureau of Land Management by Title
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United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
The DSWCD proposes to improve stream channel conditions (selected from approximately 130
stream miles) entirely on privately owned and managed lands by placing and securing tree
revetments along streambanks, removing ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Coos Bay District
EA proposes to manage tree densities on about 9041 acres, convert about 167 acres of alder, construct 21.77 miles of new road, renovate or improve 143.11 miles of road, decommission 34.56 miles of road, and create 7096 ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District
Upper and Lower Alsea River Watershed Fish Passage Restoration is a proposal to restore fish passage to approximately three miles of anadromous and resident fish habitat. The project would replace six stream crossing ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Categorically excludes action burning approximately nine piles of residual woody material within the area of the Valley's thinning project to reduce the fuel loading and to meet the need to reduce wildfire hazard within ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Categorically excludes action of application by the Oregon Rafting Team for a Special Recreation Permit to hold a whitewater downriver rafting race on the Upper Klamath River.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Eugene District
Proposed preferred plan would emphasize development of rustic recreation facilities at Hult Reservoir and development of a non-motorized trail system in the SRMA. Facilities would include: an improved boat launch for ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
The proposed action is to place a headbox in the spring that fills UNNSR (approximately 0.2-acre) so water can be piped to a new 1,200-gallon trough. The trough would be installed 500 feet northwest of the reservoir. ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
The proposed action is to place a headbox in the spring that fills UNNSR (approximately 0.2-acre) so water can be piped to a new 1,200-gallon trough. The trough would be installed 500 feet northwest of the reservoir. ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Eugene District
Actions analyzed in this EA include density management and commercial thinning, riparian
enhancement treatments, botanical restoration treatments, culvert replacements/removals, and
road construction, renovation, ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Announces decision implementing proposed action of EA for the Buck 15 area of the project, specifically harvesting 2.9 million board feet from 467 acres in sections 14 and 15 of Township 38 South, Range 5 East. Entire ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Announces decision implementing Alternative 1 of project EA covering the Surveyor timber sale, located on a portion of the project which enacts commercial timber harvesting, road restoration work, riparian habitat restoration, ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Announces decision implementing the watershed restoration treatments of the EA. Includes removal of three stream crossings, placement of large woody debris into about .25 miles of an ephemeral/intermittent stream channel, ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Proposes commercial timber harvesting, road restoration work, riparian habitat restoration, District Designated Reserve treatments, fuels treatments, stream enhancement work, and aspen stand enhancement. Includes use of ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
The approved action will result in the implementation of the Buck 23 Timber Sale within the analysis area. Approximately 3.06 million board feet of timber will be harvested from approximately 378 acres of matrix lands and ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to adapt a scaled-back version of Alternative 3 of Project EA. Includes commercial thinning, permanent and temporary road building, burning piled slash, fixing and replacing culverts, and adding log and ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Proposes action to develop more quickly late-successional habitat characteristics used by northern spotted owls and marbled murrelets, to reduce erosion and landslide risks, improve aquatic habitat, and to provide a ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to authorize the implementation of that portion of the Proposed Action as outlined above and described in Section II, paragraph B1b (pg. 7) of the EA. The EA analyzed the replacement of stream crossing ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Vale District
Excludes further environmental analysis of project to reduce the hazard and accumulation of tumbleweeds primarily along fence lines and roadways. Wind blown accumulations of tumbleweeds would be burned primarily along fence ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
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