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Browsing Bureau of Land Management by Title
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United States. Bureau of Land Management. Vale District
Excludes further environmental analysis of project to reduce the hazard and accumulation of tumbleweeds primarily along fence lines and roadways. Wind blown accumulations of tumbleweeds would be burned primarily along fence ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Finds NEPA documentation fully covers plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District
EA proposes to clarify language on page 25 of the Record of Decision, Integrated Pest Management
Program, BLM Walter Horning Tree Seed Orchard (IPMROD), dated December 2005 where it
states that Permethrin and Esfenvalerate ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Analyzes the environmental impacts associated with a variety of
proposed actions from the Walter’s Cabin Forest Treatments. The proposed project area is located north of State Highway 66 and approximately 10 miles west ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to authorize the implementation of the Proposed Action Alternative as outlined above, lift the suspension of the sale and permit the purchaser to resume operations. The proposed action involves the Density ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Proposes to harvest timber in the Lower Pass Creek of the Elk Creek Watershed and Siuslaw Watersheds. Includes temporary and road construction and renovation or improvement of existing roads.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Determines no environmental impact statement is needed for project harvesting young growth timber in the Elk Creek and Siuslaw Watersheds.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to authorize the implementation of the Proposed Action Alternative as outlined in the EA (Section II, pg. 4) and lift the suspension and permit the purchaser to resume operations. The proposed action ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Eugene District
Announces implementation of Alternative 2 of project EA, accelerating the development of suitable nesting and roosting habitat for bald eagles by thinning uplands and riparian reserve areas on 350 acres, creating snag and ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to authorize implementation of the Wash Basin commercial thinning timber sale. The stands that will be treated are second-growth forest between 39 to 44 years of age. Wash Basin would provide approximately ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to offer Wasted Days Commercial Thinning. This decision partially implements Alternative Three, described on pages 9 and 10 of the EA. The thinning project consists of seven units, totaling 106 acres ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
Announces decision to authorize the replacement of a large stream-crossing culvert on Weaver Creek. The culvert is located on a BLM easement crossing private lands beneath BLM Road No. 29-3-16.0. Field Office hydrology and ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Approves plan renewing the grazing leases for ten years.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
Approves plan renewing grazing lease for ten years with no changes in terms and conditions.
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Vale District
The Bureau of Land Management, Vale District, Baker Resource Area,
proposes to implement management adjustments that would modify the existing 10-year grazing permits for the Wells Basin Allotment (#1070) including:
A ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District
The Proposed Action is to install approximately 4.5 miles of fence in Tired Horse Butte Pasture of West Wagontire Allotment #7004. The fence would allow an improved grazing system.
Umatilla National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
The Proposed Action identifies a designated system of roads and trails that would be available for OHV
use. There would be a total of 290 miles of roads and trails available as motorized trails for OHV use.
Existing open ...
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