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Browsing NEPA Documents by Issue Date
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Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to expand the Pit to access sand, gravel and aggregate material for use on the Forest for about the next 20 years. Includes using dozers with push blades, loaders and rock crushers, clearing trees from about 7 ...
Sisters Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to evaluate request by David Hermann of Pumpkin Pine LLC to abandon, relocate and consolidate some Forest Service road and rail easements across his private lands and build short sections of new road and trail to ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to authorize a special use permit for construction, maintenance and operation of a permanent vehicle weigh and safety station on the northbound land of US Highway 97 south of Bend, between mileposts 145 and 148 ...
Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of project EA, salvage harvesting merchantable trees that were felled during fire suppression operations near existing roads in the Hash Rock Salvage area. Trees proposed for ...
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Plan provides guidelines for two new management areas, one for each river corridor. Aims to protect and enhance the resource values which contribute to the current character of the rivers, and to maintain the current ...
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to implement a modified form version of Alternative 4 of project EA, constructing a new channel and re-routing the Creek to avoid impacting the campground as much as possible. Modifications include ...
Lookout Mountain Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to salvage harvest merchantable trees that were felled during fire suppression operations near existing roads in the Hash Rock Salvage area. Trees proposed for harvest are between 15 and 35 inches dbh, and the ...
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to implement remaining portions of Alternate 3 of September 1998, including understory thinning, prescribed burning of fire-tolerant stands to relieve density, and harvesting of timber and salvage.
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to implement Alternative 2 of the project EA, amending the Deschutes National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) to incorporate management direction changes. Changes emphasis on ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
FEIS proposes to authorize special use permit for construction, maintenance and operation of a permanent vehicle weigh and safety station on the northbound land of US Highway 97 south of Bend, between mileposts 145 and 148 ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to take remedial action against ecosystem degradation of Hosmer lake, after it was withdrawn as a portion of the Cascade Lakes restoration environmental assessment. Includes construction of a new 11 vehicle parking ...
McKenzie River Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to fall 205 hazardous trees on 22 acres adjacent to state and federal highways, and include 171 trees in a salvage timber sale that would yield an estimated 100 thousand board feet. The remaining 34 trees, including ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to preserve and protect cave resources of the eight caves located within the Arnold lava tube system and Skeleton Cave by making adjustments designed to reduce or eliminate impacts to caves and cave resources from ...
Sisters Ranger District (Or.)
Friends of the Metolius proposed that the Forest Service analyze and implement this collaborative project as a demonstration of forest management methods, with the interest of educating the public about the need for, and ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to authorize the issuance of a long-term special use permit for operation of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's Cascade Science School, and the adoption of the Master Development Plan which modernizes its ...
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to address opportunities for restoring ecosystems identified during the Odell Watershed Analysis (1999), Big Marsh Watershed Analysis (1997), and to implement the management strategy defined for the Davis Late ...
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Proposes to sell a .8-acre parcel of National Forest land through a competitive bidding process.
Crescent Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to restore ecosystems identified during the Odell Watershed Analysis (1999), Big Marsh Watershed Analysis (1997), and to implement the management strategy defined for the Davis Late Successional Reserve ...
Sisters Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to implement Alternative B with minor modifications of the project EA, which addresses the types and level of structures, roads, and trails to be developed at the Resort, and addresses restoration, ...
Sisters Ranger District (Or.)
Announces implementation of Alternative 4 of the project EA, treating eight small plots varying in size from 5 to 11 acres, using different silviculture treatments, small tree thinning, prescribed fire, and mowing of brush.
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