Proposes to harvest timber in overstocked, managed stands over 40 years-old and overstocked, 100 year-old fire regenerated stands on about 985 acres, with commercial thinning on 926 acres and regeneration harvest on 59 acres. Also includes closing 1.25 miles of road, constructing approximately 4.1 miles of temporary roads, and reconstructing 29.75 miles of existing roads.
310 pp. Tables, figures, maps, references, appendices, and illus.
T10S, R5E, Sections 21-28, 34-36; T10S, R6E, Sections 19, 28-33; T11S, R5E, Sections 1-3, 10-15, 22-25; T11S, R6E, Sections 2-11, 14-23, 27-34; and T12S, R6E, Sections 4-5.
Captured April 19, 2007.