Browsing Wallowa-Whitman National Forest by Author "La Grande Ranger District (Or.)"


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  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2007-02-22)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of the project EA, emphasizing retention of critical high quality cover and connective corridor areas to provide cover and connectivity habitat while other overstocked stands ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2007-02-22)
    Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 of the project EA, emphasizing retention of critical high quality cover and connective corridor areas to provide cover and connectivity habitat while other overstocked stands ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2006-12)
    Evaluates actions to restore and enhance ecosystems, and reduce fire danger by fuels and density reduction treatments. Includes prescribed burning, precommercial and commercial timber thinning, and road closures.
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2006-12)
    Evaluates actions to restore and enhance ecosystems, and reduce fire danger by fuels and density reduction treatments. Includes prescribed burning, precommercial and commercial timber thinning, and road closures.
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2002)
    Documents the completed update for the 1994 Upper Grande Ronde Watershed Analysis, investigating needs, opportunities, priorities, effects, and success measurements. Includes description, issues, key questions and relevant ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2002)
    Documents the completed update for the 1994 Upper Grande Ronde Watershed Analysis, investigating needs, opportunities, priorities, effects, and success measurements. Includes description, issues, key questions and relevant ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2005-02-25)
    Environmental assessment reviews proposed activities designed to reduce fuels and associated fire behavior in the stands of timber adjacent to or within the wildland urban interface on Mt. Emily. Activities include ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2005-02-25)
    Environmental assessment reviews proposed activities designed to reduce fuels and associated fire behavior in the stands of timber adjacent to or within the wildland urban interface on Mt. Emily. Activities include ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2006-04-06)
    Environmental assessment reviews proposed activities to respond to fire risks in the area deferred from the original Mt. Emily project within mapped lynx habitat, by modifying fuels and potential fire behavior on public ...
  • La Grande Ranger District (Or.) (2006-04-06)
    Environmental assessment reviews proposed activities to respond to fire risks in the area deferred from the original Mt. Emily project within mapped lynx habitat, by modifying fuels and potential fire behavior on public ...

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