NEPA Documents (BLM)

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The National Environmental Policy Act (Public Law 91-190) places certain requirements on projects that involve federal funding or work performed by the federal government. Documents produced as a requirement of the Act are collected here.


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Now showing 1 - 20 of 730
  • ItemOpen Access
    Spencer Creek habitat restoration environmental assessment
    Addresses the environmental impacts associated with stream enhancement/restoration treatments in Spencer Creek, primarily consisting of additions of large woody debris to the stream channel to create structural diversity and improved aquatic habitat.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Norcross spring vegetation treatments environmental assessment
    (2004) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    This project would address the effects of increased juniper density and canopy cover in portions of the Gerber Block. In addition, monitoring that would be integrated with the design of vegetation treatments would be used to enhance our understanding of the effects of juniper management.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nancy Charley Family Trust direct land sale environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact
    (2008-02-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
  • ItemOpen Access
    East Stukel modified competitive land sale environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact
    (2008-02-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    This request is being considered to meet Congressional instructions to compensate Klamath County for the loss of local tax revenues associated with acquisition of the Wood River Ranch. The purpose of this environmental assessment is to identify, analyze, and reduce where possible, any potential impacts associated with sale of these public lands, if approved.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Happy Hollow modified competitive land sale environmental assessment
    (2008-02-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    T. 38 S., R. 11 E., Sec. 17, NWNE; E1/2SE, Willamette Meridian, Klamath County, OR. This request is being considered to meet Congressional instructions to compensate Klamath County for the loss of local tax revenues associated with BLM’s acquisition of the Wood River Ranch. The purpose of this environmental assessment is to identify and analyze potential impacts associated with the proposed sale of these public lands and identify possible mitigation to reduce said impacts.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Bonanza View Dairy DeJong direct land sale, environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact
    (2004-02-26) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has negotiated with Bonanza View Dairy for several years and had requested an exclusive easement to access 1200 acres of BLM administered lands. During the negotiations and surveys, it was discovered Mr. DeJong had trespassed on two small parcels of adjoining BLM lands. It was agreed we would sell Mr. DeJong those two lots and use of an irrigation ditch as a negotiated trade for the Easement that was proposed.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Chew timber sale environmental assessment
    (2005) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    The proposed Project area is located south of State Highway 66 and west of the town of Keno.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Pope and Turner land sales environmental assessment
    (2004-02-26) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    This disposal request is being considered to meet Congressional instructions to compensate Klamath County for the loss of local tax revenues associated with acquisition of Wood River Ranch. The purpose of this environmental assessment is to identify, analyze, and reduce, where possible, any potential impacts associated with sale of these public lands, if approved.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gerber Ditch road construction and right-of-way, environmental assessment
    (2005-10-17) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    Proposes to build a road along side of an irrigation ditch that runs across a small portion of Bureau of Land Management administered land. Gerber Ranch holds the grazing permit on this portion of BLM land.
  • ItemOpen Access
    JC Boyle Canal rockslide mitigation environmental assessment
    (United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District, 2006-01) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    On December 2, 2005, a sudden failure of the uphill slope above the JC Boyle Canal resulted in a rockslide and deposition of rock and other earthen debris in the upper canal access road, the JC Boyle Canal and along the west bank of the Klamath River directly below the slide location. This document proposes measures to mitigate the effects of the slide and reduce the potential for further sudden failure of the slope.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Buck 13 Timber Sale environmental assessment
    (2007) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    Analyzes the effects from proposed vegetation treatments and other management actions in and adjacent to the Buck 13 Timber Sale project area on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands. The proposed project area is located approximately 14 miles northwest of Keno, Oregon and approximately ½ mile south of the Clover Creek County Road.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Buck 13 Timber Sale environmental assessment: Finding of no significant impact
    (2007) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    Analyzes alternatives to conduct a variety of treatments within the Buck 13 Timber Sale analysis area on BLM lands. Determines that the proposed action will not have any significant impact on the human environment within the meaning of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Walter's Cabin forest treatments environmental assessment
    (2006-06-15) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
    Analyzes the environmental impacts associated with a variety of proposed actions from the Walter’s Cabin Forest Treatments. The proposed project area is located north of State Highway 66 and approximately 10 miles west of the town of Keno, Oregon.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Johnny Cake Mountain allotment grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-03-20) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Herb Asher allotment grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-03-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for two years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Clark allotment grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-03-25) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Camp Creek Community and Butler allotments grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-03-25) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Charles Hill allotment grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-03-20) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Kiosk and Freeway allotments grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-02-27) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ferris Creek allotment grazing permit renewal decision record
    (2009-03-20) United States. Bureau of Land Management. Prineville District
    Approves plan renewing the grazing lease for ten years.