Opine vegetation management decision notice and finding of no significant impact




ISSN der Zeitschrift




Announces decision to implement Alternative 3 with modifications from the 30-day comment period to effect reductions in natural fuels, including reductions in shrub and forest stand densities as well as for providing commercially viable wood fiber to support local mills and the local economy. A variety of vegetation (commercial and non-commercial thinning) and fuels reduction treatments on 26,638 acres are proposed, including approximately 6468 acres of thinning and regeneration harvest treatments in ponderosa and lodgepole pine stands. Within the stands will be 5312 acres of fuel reduction treatments, and an additional 20,170 acres of treatments in xeric shrublands and forest stands are proposed outside of the commercial and non-commercial treatments.


12 pp. Tables. T20S, R13E, Sections 12, 13, and 24; T21S, R14E, Sections 1-16; T20S, R14E, Sections 6-8, 16-22, 25-29, and 31-36 T21S, R15E, Sections 3-9, 13-29, and 32-36; T20S, R15E, Sections 19-34; T21S, R14E, Sections 1-16; T21S, R16E, Sections 3-6, 8-10, 16, 17, 20- 22, and 26-28. T22S, R16E, Sections 16, 17, 19-21, 27-30, and 31-34. Captured May 17, 2007.


Forest management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National Forest, Vegetation management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National Forest, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Deschutes National Forest, Range management -- Oregon -- Deschutes National Forest, Fuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Oregon -- Deschutes National Forest
