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City of Roseburg
(City of Roseburg, 2015-11-10)
Roseburg (Or.)
Roseburg (Or.)
Roseburg (Or.)
Roseburg (Or.)
Sisters Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to approve the master plan for the reconstruction of Round Lake Christian Camp following the destruction of the August 2003 B&B Complex Fire. Includes rebuilding cabins, shower, bath facilities and ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Lakeview District
Categorically excludes project removing encroaching western juniper from some 1600 acres of 3400-acre area in which sage grouse will shortly be reintroduced. Includes cutting juniper by chainsaw or other manual methods, ...
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Eugene District
Announces decision to issue a right-of-way grant of approximately .15 acres to Lane County for the facilitation of replacing Row River Bridge.
Rufus (Or.); Mid-Columbia Economic Development District
(City of Rufus (Or.), 1978-05)
This comprehensive plan was developed for the City of Rufus to
serve as the guiding document for all future land use decisions. [From the Plan]
Rufus (Or.)
(Rufus, 2007-07-02)
This is the final adoped product of a TA Grant from the Department to update the City's Comprehensive Plan, the project is listed as TA-R-07-029. This is a general update of the Plan inventories and policies. The Comprehensive ...
Rufus (Or.)
(Rufus, 2009-07-13)
An application was submitted by John Schmidt of Gorge Vista LLC requesting a Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Map amendment to rezone 130 acres of property they own in the City of Rufus from Residential Agriculture to R-10 and 5 ...
Rufus (Or.)
(Rufus, 2009-09-09)
An application was submitted by Mike Nilson requesting a Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Map amendment to rezone 13 acres of property they own in the City of Rufus from Residential Agriculture to R-10 to allow for the development ...
Rufus (Or.)
(Rufus, 2010-03-24)
Rufus (Or.)
(City of Rufus, 2013-09-11)
Rufus (Or.)
(City of Rufus, 2015-11-13)
Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
After performing a preliminary assessment using a Niton XRF unit on waste rock dumps at the Ruth Mine, 8 miles northeast of Elkhorn, a site inspection was recommended because of the concentration of various elements, the ...
Willamette National Forest (Agency : U.S.); United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
Documents decision to initiate a CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act) process after an abbreviated preliminary assessment found release of hazardous elements within the Ruth Mine #1 ...
Rogue Valley Transportation District; Rogue Valley Council of Governments; Anderson, Craig
(Rogue Valley Council of Governments, 2001-01)
This study was undertaken with the purpose of: 1) determining whether park-and-ride facilities are
feasible within RVTD's service area; and 2) identifying suitable locations for the development of
park-and-ride facilities, ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to improve habitat conditions on approximately 95 acres of existing upland meadow, aspen and willow habitats in the Ryan Ranch Meadow area west of the Deschutes River by broadcast burning approximately ...
Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District (Or.)
Announces decision to improve habitat conditions on approximately 95 acres of existing upland meadow, aspen and willow habitats in the Ryan Ranch meadow area west of the Deschutes River by broadcast burning approximately ...
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