Spruce Reach culvert project environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact




ISSN der Zeitschrift




The Proposed Action is to install a 10-foot by 66-foot culvert in an unnamed, tidally-influenced tributary to the Umpqua River and construct a 20-foot wide by 110-foot long road over the pipe between Highway 38 and Spruce Reach Island. The BLM would also restore 0.07 acre of intertidal wetland habitat to mitigate for filling 0.07 acre of intertidal wetland habitat at the culvert installation site. The Oregon Department of State Lands and the Army Corps of Engineers require wetland restoration to compensate for wetland area and functions lost due to crossing construction. Intertidal habitat occurs between the high and low tide levels. The culvert site and mitigation site are approximately 200 feet apart and both areas are adjacent to Hinsdale Slough. Excavation of the mitigation area would be completed immediately after construction of the culvert crossing.


26 pp. Map, references, illus. T21S., R11W., Sec 33. Date of FONSI is January 9, 2009. Captured January 14, 2009.


Forest roads -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region, Wetland restoration -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region, Culverts -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region
