Ashland, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2014-12-24)
    (City of Ashland, 2014-12-24) City of Ashland
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2014-07-09)
    (City of Ashland, 2014-07-09) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2013-03-22)
    (City of Ashland, 2013-03-22) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2013-09-11)
    (City of Ashland, 2013-09-11) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2013-09-03)
    (City of Ashland, 2013-09-03) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-08-23)
    (Ashland, 2010-08-23) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-12-21)
    (Ashland, 2009-12-21) Ashland (Or.)
    At its meeting of December 15,2009, the Ashland City Council approved second reading of ordinances amending the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) to include Chapter 18.63 Water Resource Protection Zones, amending Chapter 18.62 and Chapter 18.108 for consistency with the new Chapter 18.63, adopting the Water Resources Map and adopting the Local Wetlands Inventory as a supporting document to the Ashland Comprehensive Plan.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2008-03-17)
    (Ashland, 2008-03-17) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-12-24)
    (Ashland, 2007-12-24) Ashland (Or.)
    Annexation, Comp Plan map and Zoning Map change from Jackson Co.zoning Rural Residential (RR-5) to Single Family Residential (R-l) and Suburban Residential (R-l-3.5), Outline Plan approval under the Performance Standards Options chapter 18.88 to develop the property as a 68-unit residential development. Exceptions to Street Standards were requrested, as well as a Physical Constraints Review permit and a Tree Removal permit.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2006-07-07)
    (Ashland, 2006-07-07) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-05-07)
    (Ashland, 2012-05-07) Ashland (Or.)
    Amends Ashland Municipal Code and Land Use Ordinance to allow Solar panels on Historic buildings in commercial districts without prior Site Review, permits 8' tall deer fencing, defines fence height, allows eaves to extend 3' into setbacks, allows rain barrels in side and rear yard setbacks, and establishes new standards for the keeping of chickens and associated structures.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-05-10)
    (Ashland, 2012-05-10) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-07-25)
    (Ashland, 2012-07-25) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-11-23)
    (Ashland, 2011-11-23) Ashland (Or.)
    A. Pedestrian Place Overlay was added to the Ashland Zoning Map. a new Chapter 18.56 Overlay Zones was added to the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO), and a variety of amendments to the ALUO were made to implement the recommendations of the Pedestrian Places Project.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-05-11)
    (Ashland, 2011-05-11) Ashland (Or.)
    Annexation; Comp. Plan Map Amendmen; Zone Change; Site Review for a 28.000 square foot manufacturing, warehouse, storage, tasting room and administrati ve office building for production of brewing products; Lot Consolidation; and Tree Removal Permit to remove 17 trees for the property located at 590 Clover Lane. The proposal involves annexation of three parcels totaling 3.72 acres. i area which currently have a County zoning designation of RR-5 (and adj. r-o-w) to be annexed as Employment lands.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-11-23)
    (Ashland, 2011-11-23) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-03-18)
    (Ashland, 2010-03-18) Ashland (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-08-23)
    (Ashland, 2010-08-23) Ashland (Or.)
    Creation of a Master-planned District, Croman Mill District, and adoption of Land Use codes to rezone and guide the development of a former mill site. Amend the Ashland Land Use Ordinance (ALUO) creating a new Chapter 18.53 Croman Mill, to amend the multiple chapters of the Ashland Land Use Ordinance to provide consistency with the new Chapter 18.53 Croman Mill (ALUO 18.08, 18.12.020, 18.61.042, 18.68.050, 18.70.040, 18.72.030, 18.72.080, 18.72.110, 18.72.120, 18.72.140, 18.72.180, 18.84.100, 18.88.070, 18.106), to amend the Ashland Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map to include the Croman Mill District, and to adopt the Croman Mill Site Redevelopment Plan as a supporting document to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-02-26)
    (Ashland, 2010-02-26) Ashland (Or.)
    Annexation of an approximately 1.02 acre parcel Into the City o f Ashland, and re/oning the parcel from Jackson County 'RR-5" Rural Residential zoning to City of Ashland "E-l" Employment zoning :n keeping with the City o f Ashland's Comprehensive Pinn Map designation The application includes a request for Site Review approval to build a warehouse/light-manufacturing building (i.e. development of the site with a permitted use) as required by ordinance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Ashland Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-06-07)
    (Ashland, 2010-06-07) Ashland (Or.)
    In the Southern Oregon (SO) Zone section of the Ashland Municipal Code, the Southern Oregon University (SOU) Master Plan is required to be updated every ten years. The Master Plan is a supplement to the SO Zone for determining the levels of regulation (e.g. Site Review or Conditional Use Permit, etc.) which the various Southern Oregon University Zoned properties are subject too. Zone Map Changes made between first and second reading: Seven properties which were privately owned but zoned SO have been changed from SO to Single Family Residential (R-1-7.5). Two SOU owned properties which were zoned R-2 were changed to SO Zone.