Waldport, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2015-04-17)
    (City of Waldport, 2015-04-17) Waldport (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2013-10-01)
    (City of Waldport, 2013-10-01) Waldport (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-07-05)
    (Waldport, 2012-07-05) Waldport (Or.)
    The Yaquina John Point Land Use & Transportation Plan addresses future land use, Hwy 101 improvements, and local bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicle circulation for a 150 acre area located in west Waldport. The plan includes cost estimates for recommended infrastructure improvements and implementation measures. This is an amendment to the Waldport TSP and Waldport Comprehensive Plan. Adopted by Waldport C 'y Council June 14, 2012. Final Plan received June 29, 2012-
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2012-04-25)
    (Waldport, 2012-04-25) Waldport (Or.)
    F 'e amendments: A. Street Hammerheads (Vehicle Turnaround) required by the City and Fire District. B. Chickens and Ducks allowed wjrh restrictions. C. Geologic Hazards Report required on slopes of 20% or greater. D. Landscaping and underground utility requirements in commercial zones. G. Tollhouses allowed as a conditional use.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-05-04)
    (Waldport, 2011-05-04) Waldport (Or.)
    The proposed text amendment provides regulations pertaining to tower facilities. The amendments provide a new definition of "tower"; restricts towers from being located in some zoning districts; allows tower facilities as conditional uses; and establishes standards for placement of tower facilities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-11-17)
    (Waldport, 2009-11-17) Waldport (Or.)
    The amendment is a zone change from Planned Industrial Zone I-P to Residential Zone R-l, and a comprehensive plan map amendment from Planned Industrial to Residential Single to Tax Lot 500 of Lincoln County Tax Assessor's Map 13-11-20BB.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-11-17)
    (Waldport, 2009-11-17) Waldport (Or.)
    Update Waldport Development Code Section 16.68 Flood Hazard Overlay Zone to be in accordance with FEMA standards and continued eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-02-17)
    (Waldport, 2010-02-17) Waldport (Or.)
    Update Waldport Comprehensive Plan !0 Goals and Policies, 2) Inventory, and 3) Transportation System Plan Section IV.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-01-31)
    (Waldport, 2007-01-31) Waldport (Or.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-11-28)
    (Waldport, 2007-11-28) Waldport (Or.)
    1. The lot area and density calculations for ocean and bay front properties are revised; 2. Development is restricted within the zone of riparian vegetation and 25 feet landward from the top of bluff; 3. Siting standards for manufactured homes are updated; 4. Land partition approval process is clarified; 5. Street width standards are modified.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lincoln County : Multi-jurisdictional natural hazards mitigation plan (2009)
    (Lincoln County (Or.), 2009-03) Lincoln County (Or.); Depoe Bay (Or.); Lincoln City (Or.); Newport (Or.); Siletz (Or.); Toledo (Or.); Waldport (Or.); Yachats (Or.); Lincoln County (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.
    Lincoln County developed this multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (Plan) in an effort to reduce future loss of life and damage to property resulting from natural hazards. This plan was developed with and for the following jurisdictions: Lincoln County, Depoe Bay, Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo, Waldport, and Yachats. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport : Urban renewal plan
    (City of Waldport (Or.), 2005-07) Waldport (Or.); Spencer & Kupper
    The Waldport Urban Renewal Plan #2 is conceived as a means to help create new property values, and stimulate economic growth in Waldport. The primary intent of the plan is to provide the infrastructure needed to allow and accelerate development of vacant, underutilized land in Waldport. The plan also will help modernize public facilities, and assist in relocating safety facilities out of tsunami hazard zones. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport : Transportation system plan
    (City of Waldport (Or.), 1999-06-09) Waldport (Or.); TriLand Design Group; Kittelson & Associates; Macdonald Environmental Planning (Firm)
    The City of Waldport has received a State of Oregon grant to prepare a Transportation System Plan (TSP). The Plan will result in a plan to satisfy the community's transportation needs and desires for the 20 year planning period. For purposes of this effort, the year 2020 will be used for the 20 year planning period. The TSP will be developed for land within the Waldport Urban Growth Boundary. The plan will be in compliance with the State's Transportation Planning rule (TPR) and with other State and Federal policies and mandates. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport : Parks and recreation plan
    (City of Waldport (Or.), 2005-02) Waldport (Or.); Waldport (Or.). Parks and Recreation Committee; Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
    The City of Waldport Parks and Recreation Committee, with assistance from Cascades West Council of Governments, drafted this document to update and expand upon the 1998 Waldport Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The 2004 Parks and Recreation Master Plan is a long-range plan with a twentyyear planning horizon. It also includes a shorter-range strategy to guide the City over the next five years as it pursues implementation of the Master Plan. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Waldport : Development code
    (City of Waldport (Or.), 2001-09-06) Waldport (Or.)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government’s comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents under their own titles. In some cases the sections pertaining to subdivision of land may be included in the zoning ordinance.