Depoe Bay, Oregon Planning Documents

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Depoe Bay Notice of Adopted Amendment (2010-05-11)
    (Depoe Bay, 2010-05-11) Depoe Bay
    Amendments to the Depoe Bay Zoning Ordinance: A. Revisions to ORS references B. Fractional Ownership definition C. Manufactured Home added as permitted use in the R-l zone; Manufactured Dwelling changed to Manufactured Home in the R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-5 zones D. Revision to Coastal Shoreland review procedure E. Revision to survey requirements F. Notice of public hearing revision G. Add description of quasi-judicial continuances and time limits H. Add time limits on geologic hazards permits I. Description of public street maintenance responsibilities J. Deletion of performance agreement option K. Editorial change to reference appropriate sections in the Land Division ordinance
  • ItemOpen Access
    Depoe Bay Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-10-23)
    (Depoe Bay, 2009-10-23) Depoe Bay
    Depoe Bay Zoning Ordinance Chapter 3.370 Flood Hazard Overlay Zone is replaced in its entirety to conform to floodplain management regulations that meet the standards of Paragraph 60.3(d and e) of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Depoe Bay Notice of Adopted Amendment (2007-03-23)
    (Depoe Bay, 2007-03-23) Depoe Bay
    An ordinance amending the Depoe Bay Zoning Ordinance and Inventory relating to the Natural Resources Local Wetlands and Riparian Inventory and Maps
  • ItemOpen Access
    Depoe Bay : Comprehensive plan (2002)
    (City of Depoe Bay (Or.), 2002-12-03) Depoe Bay (Or.)
    Goals: 1. To identify activities of land use which have an effect on the public health, safety and welfare. 2. To ensure orderly and efficient growth. 3. To establish a land use planning process and policy framework on a basis for all decisions and actions related to the use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Depoe Bay : Zoning regulations (2004)
    (City of Depoe Bay (Or.), 2004-04-06) Depoe Bay (Or.)
    Development codes are ordinances implementing a local government's comprehensive plan. They include two components: a zoning ordinance and a subdivision ordinance, which may be adopted and published as separate documents under their own titles. In some cases the sections pertaining to subdivision of land may be included in the zoning ordinance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Lincoln County : Multi-jurisdictional natural hazards mitigation plan (2009)
    (Lincoln County (Or.), 2009-03) Lincoln County (Or.); Depoe Bay (Or.); Lincoln City (Or.); Newport (Or.); Siletz (Or.); Toledo (Or.); Waldport (Or.); Yachats (Or.); Lincoln County (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.
    Lincoln County developed this multi-jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (Plan) in an effort to reduce future loss of life and damage to property resulting from natural hazards. This plan was developed with and for the following jurisdictions: Lincoln County, Depoe Bay, Lincoln City, Newport, Siletz, Toledo, Waldport, and Yachats. [From the Plan]
  • ItemOpen Access
    Depoe Bay : Transportation system plan
    (City of Depoe Bay (Or.), 2001-06-13) Depoe Bay (Or.); TriLand Design Group; CTS Engineers; Foster Consultants
    The City of Depoe Bay received a State of Oregon grant to prepare a Transportation System Plan (TSP). The TSP results in a plan to satisfy the community's transportation needs and desires for the next 20 years. The TSP is developed for land within the Depoe Bay Urban Growth Boundary. The TSP identifies planned transportation facilities and services needed to support planned land uses identified in the City of Depoe Bay comprehensive plan consistent with the Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660-012) and the Oregon Transportation Plan (OTP). [From the Plan]