Journalism Faculty Publications
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Item Open Access Journalism in the AI Era: Opportunities and Challenges in the Global South(Thomson Reuters Foundation, 2025-01-28) Radcliffe, DamianAn AI revolution in journalism is reshaping how we produce, distribute and consume news. This transformation promises creativity and innovation in newsrooms. However, it also presents significant challenges in areas such as ethics and equity. Existing narratives about AI adoption are often Western-centric, yet access to this technology differs worldwide, as do the problems faced by journalists and newsrooms. To address this imbalance, in October 2024, the Thomson Reuters Foundation surveyed more than 200 journalists – all alumni of their training programmes – from 70+ countries across the Global South and emerging economies to explore their adoption of AI, as well as their hopes and fears about journalism in the AI era.Item Open Access World Press Trends Outlook 2024-2025(WAN-IFRA (World Association of News Publishers), 2025-01-21) Radcliffe, DamianThe findings of the latest World Press Trends Outlook report are based on insights from over 240 senior media executives across 85 countries, providing a global snapshot of the trends shaping the future of publishing. This new WAN-IFRA study marks a milestone as news publishers’ revenue structures become more diversified and less reliant on traditional print sources. For the first time in our research, print circulation and advertising revenues account for less than half of respondents’ total revenues.Item Open Access Advancing Community-Centered Journalism(Agora Journalism Center, 2024-09-25) Radcliffe, DamianIn 2023, the Agora Journalism Center released Redefining News: A Manifesto for Community-Centered Journalism, authored by our colleague Damian Radcliffe. That report outlined the principles and priorities that define the growing community-centered journalism (“CCJ”) movement that focuses on doing journalism in ways that serve communities by partnering with them, not just reporting “on” them. In this report, Damian goes deeper, interviewing over a dozen leading thinkers and practitioners about how CCJ is being implemented in a variety of news organizations, the challenges it is facing, and how this innovative approach to journalism can continue to grow even in the midst of declining newsroom resources and a fraught social and political environment. These interviews also reveal five key challenges – organizational culture, the time-intensive nature of CCJ work, demonstrating impact, building the journalistic skillset, and sustaining CCJ work – that practitioners are grappling with. How they learn to meet those challenges will shape the way community-centered journalism evolves. We hope this report will offer a practical and provocative set of lessons and experiences for journalists who are new to the community-centered approach as well as for those already practicing it. Journalism may be in crisis, but there is no doubt that quality, inclusive, and trusted news is needed more than ever. We hope this report helps the promising practice of community-centered journalism forward. Andrew DeVigal, Director; Regina Lawrence, Research Director; Agora Journalism CenterItem Open Access The politics of indigeneity: decolonizing historical memory and education in Colombia(Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 2024-02) Cortes, DiegoThis article explores how the Misak (Guambianos) from the Colombian southwest are revitalising their collective memory and militant politics in a nation that has historically prioritised its Spanish heritage. Through the analysis of twenty-month collaborative research conducted by three Misak University (MU) students and the article’s author (a non-Indigenous Colombian affiliated with a university from the Global North), the article claims that political engagement results from this community’s autonomous educational institutions and pedagogical practices. The MU is one of these Misak autonomous efforts engaging with non-traditional pedagogies, such as caminar el territorio, to promote a ‘militant indigenous identity’ committed to their cultural differentiation. These educational practices evolved from other methods for memory reproduction embraced by the Misak since colonial times. As the tearing down of the statues of Spanish conquistadores in 2020 shows, the Misak’s educational efforts have cultivated a new indigenous generation that seeks to make a political and cultural impact beyond their territory.Item Open Access The Quest for Indigenous Autonomy: Communication Media, Internal Conflicts, and Policy Reform in Colombia(Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2021) Cortes, DiegoIn 2013, the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) and the national government signed Agreement No. 547, which commissioned to the five main national indigenous organizations of the country the drafting of a bill to propel the strengthening of the indigenous media in Colombia. This political reform would represent a significant advance in the democratization of the historically monopolized and exclusive Colombian media landscape, thus fulfilling one of the mandates of the 1991 Colombian multicultural Constitution. However, due to internal conflicts within the indigenous leadership, these five organizations failed to present any bill to the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, wasting this historic opportunity. Based on this case, the discussion on "radical" Zapatista autonomy, and the concept of "indigenous utopias" proposed by Rappaport (2005) (rather than impossible dreams, objectives to strive for), this article argues that a robust autonomous indigenous governance depends on the constant search for a "utopian balance" between legal protections ( centripetal forces) and de facto practices (centrifugal actions). [territorial autonomy, neoliberal state co-optation, indigenous media producers, de facto autonomous practices]Item Open Access Book Review: Trafficking: Narcoculture in Mexico and the United States.(Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 2020) Cortes, DiegoHéctor Amaya’s Trafficking illustrates the new forms of publicness in popular music, traditional U.S. newspapers, and digital bloggers resulting from the spike of criminal violence in Mexico since 2006. This wave of violence began when former president Felipe Calderon (2006–2012) intensified the war on drugs. A native of Sinaloa, one of the worst affected Mexican states for cartel actions, Amaya provides a theoretical contribution to understanding the phenomenon of criminal violence without presenting law-and-order normative solutions as First World social scientists typically do. He explains this avoidance as a political response to the historical role of normative “solutions” that tend to validate colonialist and neoimperialist agendas and, rather than resolve anything, foster dispossession and dislocation in the Third World.Item Open Access Book Review: Guerrilla marketing counterinsurgency and capitalism in Colombia by A. L. Fattal, University of Chicago Press, 2018(Communication Review, 2020-07) Cortes, DiegoEvery year, scholars add a significant quantity of academic production to the already long list of publications on the Colombian conflict. For this reason, the media anthropologist Alexander Fattal, author of Guerrilla Marketing: Counterinsurgency and Capitalism in Colombia, started his book’s introduction discussing his initial doubts about embracing another academic project on the political violence of that nation. The complexities he found at first glance around the Program for Humanitarian Attention to Demobilized, or PAHD, persuaded Fattal to pursue this academic project, resulting in the publication of one of the most awarded scholarships in the areas of Anthropology, Latin American Studies and Media Studies in 2018.Item Open Access Evangelical indigenous radio stations in Colombia: Between the promotion of social change and religious indoctrination(Global Media and Communication, 2020) Cortes, DiegoThis article refutes dominant views that define evangelical indigenous media as intrinsic tools for religious indoctrination. The case of the Colombian Misak community shows that evangelical radio stations can contribute to community building. However, the degree of the positive or negative contribution of evangelical media depends on the dominance of evangelical presence at indigenous localities. The rapid expansion of indigenized evangelical groups via the provision of social services has radicalized Evangelicals against views different from their own. As a result, these evangelical media are progressively leaving their role as promoters of positive social change to become tools for religious indoctrination.Item Open Access Radio Indígenas y Estado en Colombia ¿Herramientas “políticas” o Instrumentos “policivos”?(REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE COMUNICACIÓN, 2019) Cortes, DiegoBase on the case of the indigenous radio stations Namuy Wam of the Misak (Guambiano) and Radio Payumat of the Nasa (Paez), this article shows the effects of the interventions of the state in the development of indigenous radio stations in Colombia. These media projects, especially those resulted from the political process in which members of the Catholic church and external collaborators participated actively, have contributed in different ways to the strengthening the collective political projects of those communities. However, due to the intervention of the estate, these projects also brought new challenges, especially economic ones, restraining their political potential.Item Open Access Foes and allies: the Catholic Church, Acción Cultural Popular (ACPO), and the emergence of the indigenous movement in Cauca, Colombia(Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 2019) Cortes, DiegoLiterature on Latin American social movements has discussed the contributions of post-Second Vatican Council (SVC) (1963–1965) progressive branches of the Catholic Church in the formation of indigenous movements. However, this literature has largely ignored discussions on the intervention of non-SVC and conservative branches of the Catholic establishment. This article illustrates the role of the modernizing educational program Acción Cultural Popular (ACPO) (1949), a Catholic organization aligned with conservative forces of the Colombian State and developmental agencies from abroad, in the formation of the indigenous movement of the department of Cauca by Misak and Nasa indigenous people, who pioneered the indigenous movement in the country. ACPO provided educational tools and contacts that contributed to the creation of the indigenous movement of Cauca in the 1970s. However, it also promoted problematic technologies that affected indigenous territories and modes of understanding indigenous cultures that belittled the traditions of the Misak and Nasa indigenous people.Item Open Access ‘Era mejor cuando éramos ilegales’ (it was better when we were illegals): Indigenous people, the State and ‘public interest’ indigenous radio stations in Colombia(Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 2019) Cortes, DiegoThis article discusses the intervention of the Colombian State in the development of indigenous radio stations, focusing on the case of the Misak and Nasa communities. As shown, these radio stations have had different contributions in these indigenous communities, such as forging a new generation of leaders, promoting their languages, and encouraging political mobilisation. However, these media projects have also brought new challenges for these communities, calling for a more careful consideration of the complexities of state intervention in community radio projects. This article contributes to a better understanding of the impact of state intervention in indigenous media, by focusing on three main features that illustrate some of the unintended consequences of these projects: 1) contradictory state legislation that, instead of empowering indigenous media projects, tamed their political potential; 2) the ‘natural’ role of radio stations as a ‘modern disruptors’ (Appadurai, 1996) that may have positives as well as negative consequence in the changes they generate in indigenous communities; and 3) the internal political struggles within these indigenous communities.Item Open Access INDIGENOUS REPRESENTATION AND JOURNALISM IN COLOMBIA: HOW AND WHY(Jangwa Pana, 2016-12) Cortes, DiegoTaking as a case study the media representation on the 2008 Minga de Resistencia Social y Comunitaria (MRSC), this paper shows how the largest newspapers of national circulation, El Tiempo and El Espectador, and the TV News Caracol and RCN, represent the grievances of traditionally Colombian excluded sectors. Based on a content analysis of 238 newspaper articles and the news reports during this uprising, these document shows the visual and linguistic techniques employed by these media outlets to criminalize and make invisible, depending on the case and context, the political actions of these communities. As a conclusion, it is discussed how this type of representation is a result of three factors that affect mass media journalism in Colombia: the monopoly over mass media by small elite, the problems endured by journalists, and the ideological affinity between journalism and power in Colombia.Item Open Access World Press Trends Outlook 2023-2024(WAN-IFRA (World Association of News Publishers), 2024-01-25) Radcliffe, Damian; Nel, François; Henriksson, Teemu; Roper, DeanAfter the sobering read seen in our 2022-23 report, this year’s World Press Trends study strikes a more cautiously optimistic note, with more than half of the respondents conveying a positive outlook about their companies’ business prospects for the foreseeable future. This is despite publishers grappling with challenges on various fronts, including elevated inflation and interest rates, surging paper and printing expenses, continual shifts within advertising markets and audience behaviours, as well as wider geopolitical uncertainty reflected in conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere. Meanwhile, wider strategic challenges such as the surge of Generative AI, changing relationships with platforms and continued challenges to press freedom and freedom of expression, also continue to vex many journalists and publishers. In response, news publishers are inevitably looking closely at their revenue strategy, investment priorities, areas of focus, cost management, and their stance on areas such as AI and other technologies. We delve into these themes extensively within this report. This report is primarily based on the findings of an online survey distributed to WAN-IFRA members and other senior media executives between July and September 2023, and was available in four languages (English, French, Spanish and German). Survey participants were typically members of the senior team at a newspaper or a newspaper group. Based on the information provided by our respondents, a third (66%) are C-Suite (CEOs, Publishers, Managing Directors). A further third is either a Commercial Director/Heads of Strategy or Executive Editor. We received 175 complete responses from 60 nations around the world. Using classifications developed by the World Bank, 58% of respondents come from developed economies and 42% from developing economies. Our sample also features a wide range of different countries with respondents coming from countries as diverse as Argentina, Canada, Russia, and Indonesia. They also came from some of the world’s largest media markets, including Germany, India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Through the data and insights that they provided, we are able to comprehend the attitudes of today’s industry leaders in a variety of business and editorial roles. Their observations, regarding the sector’s present and future, can be seen throughout this report. As ever, we want to express our appreciation to everyone who participated in this annual survey. This report would not be possible without their contributions.Item Open Access Redefining News: A Manifesto for Community-Centered Journalism(Agora Journalism Center, 2023-09-21) Radcliffe, Damian; Lawrence, Regina; DeVigal, AndrewThis forward-thinking report makes the case for embracing a more inclusive, community-focused model of journalism, one that prioritizes listening to and collaborating with communities to produce relevant, equitable and impactful news and storytelling. The report features an actionable framework to put the principles of Community-Centered Journalism into practice and explains how this approach differs from traditional models of journalism, with potential benefits including rebuilding trust, tackling inequities, and fostering civic engagement.Item Open Access Building a Stronger Local Media Ecosystem: The Role of Media Policy(Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, 2023-04-20) Radcliffe, Damian; Mathews, NickThis paper plays out against a backdrop of continued closures and diminished local news reporting across much of the United States. It explores the role that media policy can and should play in supporting local journalism. In examining this topic, we investigate three fundamental questions: What is local media policy? What are the key existential issues and/or problems local media policy must wrestle with? What potential solutions to the local news crisis can media policy potentially help address? The core of our response to these questions is derived from a series of five public webinars hosted by the Tow Center. Through these events, we invited a range of industry and academic experts to share their perspectives on areas related to these major themes. Our conversations explored the scope of media policy, barriers to implementation, opportunities for policy to make a difference, and some of the unique characteristics that shape U.S. media policy and attitudes toward potential policy interventions. To this, we have added further context and updates on some of the latest policy developments, based on a literature review and our continued interest in this subject.Item Open Access World Press Trends Outlook 2022-2023(WAN-IFRA (World Association of News Publishers), 2023-03-09) Radcliffe, Damian; Nel, François; Roper, Dean; Henriksson, TeemuThe latest World Press Trends report shows that business sentiment in the industry has taken a downturn, in a context where multiple challenges face news publishers around the world. Yet there are causes for optimism, as revenue diversification progresses and publishers double down on new revenue sources and editorial products. This year’s World Press Trends study makes for a sobering read after the optimism of our previous report. The mood in the industry has changed, and publishers find themselves in a more unpredictable business environment due to a number of challenges, including high levels of inflation, rising paper and print costs, as well as ongoing changes to advertising markets. The change in business sentiment is one of the main findings of the new World Press Trends Outlook report. As in the previous years, the analysis is based on an online survey distributed to industry leaders. 167 news executives from 62 countries took part in the survey in Fall 2022 – a big thank you to them for sharing their insights, results and strategies. WAN-IFRA also works with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Zenith for key performance indicators (global revenues and circulation). For audience insights, we work with analytics specialist Chartbeat. World Press Trends is supported by Protecmedia, the content management provider. Damian Radcliffe, longtime industry analyst, journalist and academic, authored most of the report, offering his analysis and context to the survey and emerging trends. Dr. Francois Nel, also a longtime analyst, well-known academic within our industry and longtime contributor to WPT, provided his analysis, contribution and data analysis of all our collected data. WAN-IFRA’s Andrew Heslop shared his analysis on our Press Freedom data, and WAN-IFRA’s Teemu Henriksson helped to coordinate the project along with Dean Roper.Item Open Access Social Media in the Middle East 2022: A Year in Review(University of Oregon, 2023-03-31) Radcliffe, Damian; Abuhmaid, Hadil; Mahliaire, NiiWelcome to the latest annual study on Middle East Social Media Trends. This report, the eleventh in a series dating back to 2012, provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of social media in the Middle East. As the most comprehensive and up-to-date study of its kind, it is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the region's digital landscape. In this report, we examine the most popular social media platforms and the ways in which people are using them. We explore the impact of social media on politics, business and culture in the region. Our findings will be of interest to anyone interested in how social media shapes the way we connect with one another, as well as the ways in which we consume and find information. These trends are relevant to marketers, journalists, brands and businesses, as well as government agencies and public bodies. Over the past decade, the Middle East has seen a significant increase in social media adoption. Today, it boasts some of the highest penetration rates of social media in the world, making it a key market for platforms and businesses looking to engage with Arab audiences. From staying in touch with friends and family to consuming news and entertainment, social media - as it is around the world - is an integral part of daily life in the region. Social media is also playing an increasingly important role in politics, with many politicians and activists using the platforms to connect with the public and mobilize support for their policies.Item Open Access The Most Popular Social Media Accounts in the Middle East (H1 2022)(New Media Academy, 2022-12-31) Radcliffe, DamianFor the first time, this report brings together in a single chart the most popular accounts originating in MENA on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Each of these platforms is explored in more detail in this report, but below we outline the account with the largest number of followers, likes and subscribers, across MENA as well as the region's four biggest markets: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates. Featuring news and music channels, content creators, religious figures, politicians and sports stars, this chart shows the breadth of activity seen on different social media channels and the different ways in which users utilize them. Egyptian footballer Mohamed Salah is the only person to be featured twice. The Liverpool player, and captain of the Egyptian national team, has the most popular Instagram and Twitter account stemming from Egypt. The report was made by possible by support from the New Media Academy and data from Emplifi. My thanks to them both.Item Open Access How the Middle East Uses Social Media: 2021 edition(New Media Academy, 2022-03-10) Radcliffe, Damian; Abuhmaid, HadilThis is the tenth report in a series of annual studies exploring the latest social media trends across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It dives into developments on major networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Twitter), emerging platforms (TikTok, LinkedIn and Clubhouse) as well as messaging apps (WhatsApp, Yalla and Telegram). It also examines the role of Influencers, and how COVID-19 and Online Misinformation played out on social media in 2021.Item Open Access World Press Trends Outlook 2021-2022(WAN-IFRA (World Association of News Publishers), 2022-05-06) Radcliffe, Damian; Nel, François; Henriksson, Teemu; Roper, DeanThis edition of WAN-IFRA’s annual flagship research and report reveals an industry challenged but optimistic about its business. It examines the results of publishers’ business in 2021, their forecasts for 2022 and beyond, and the trends and issues shaping the industry. Our research shows news publishers feel confident about tackling the ongoing coronavirus crisis, and that some of their early pandemic-era pivots are beginning to pay dividends. However, publishers still need to navigate considerable transformation and turmoil, even if there are signs of a resurgence in global advertising markets and a maturing of many reader revenue strategies. The invasion of Ukraine has further undermined companies’ plans, as how that conflict will unfold can have long-lasting effects on industries across the board, in addition to the humanitarian crisis it is causing. As in the previous years, the World Press Trends Outlook analysis is based on an online survey distributed to industry leaders. 162 news executives from 58 countries took part in the survey in Fall 2021 – a big thank you to them for sharing their insights, results and strategies. In addition, WAN-IFRA works with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and ZenithOptimedia for key performance indicators (revenue, circulation and ad spend). For additional audience insights, we work with analytics specialist Chartbeat.
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