Land Management Planning Documents

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Land Management Plans are required by the The National Forest Management Act of 1976, [16 U.S.C. §§1600 et seq.] as amended. They are broad, long-term, guiding documents that define desired future conditions for the forest and the policies for achieving those condition.


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  • ItemOpen Access
    Deschutes National Forest land and resource management plan
    (1990) Deschutes National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
    Provides table of contents and Chapter 4, "Forest Management Direction," from 1990 Plan. Includes forest management goals, desired future condition of the forest, protected outputs and resource summaries, and standards and guidelines. Also includes prescriptions for each of 28 management areas, with goal, general theme and objectives, and standards and guidelines unique to each management area.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Umatilla National Forest land and resource management plan and record of decision
    (1990-06-11) United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
    Plan discusses management of the recreation, roadless, wildlife, big game, fish, riparian, water, minerals, and timber resources. Record of decision is to approve, adopt, and implement the Forest Plan which accompanies the FEIS and to adopt its preferred alternative. In addition to multiple-use goals and desired future conditions, other objectives implemented include: maintaining roadless areas, maintaining potential big game populations through habitat, providing timber harvest at 1979-88 levels, providing livestock production at or near current levels, provide for a high level of anadromous fish production as well as riparian protection, provide old growth/mature tree habitat above required levels, increase developed recreation opportunities, manage Wild and Scenic Rivers and provide for scenic and special areas, and provide for a mix of unroaded, roaded, and closed road dispersed recreation and a moderate level of off-highway vehicle (OHV) opportunities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Willamette National Forest land and resource management plan record of decision
    (2008-07-31) United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
    Announces decision to select Alternative W, the preferred alternative of the project FEIS. It places a moderate emphasis on both nonmarket resource values and commodity production, with a slightly greater emphasis on nonmarket values. Changes from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement include: more protection for riparian areas, increased emphasis on watershed management and water quality, fewer areas for timber production, lower allowable sale quantity, appropriate management for Wild and Scenic Rivers, additional guidelines for old-growth areas, and additional acres managed as Special Interest Areas, Old-Growth Groves, and Special Wildlife Habitat.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Willamette National Forest land and resource management plan
    (1990) United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
    Sets forth the direction for managing the land and resources of the Forest, and results from extensive analysis and considerations that are addressed in the accompanying Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision. The Plan guides all natural resource management practices, levels of resource production and management, and the availability and suitability of lands for resource management. It also establishes the allowable sale quantity for timber and identifies land suitable for timber management, monitoring and evaluation requirements, and nonwilderness multiple-use allocations for roadless areas.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Willamette National Forest land and resource management plan final environmental impact statement
    (1990-07) United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
    Describes the seven alternatives for the Forest Plan, including: (NC) continuation of management under 1977 Plan, (A) continuation of management under the 1977 Plan modified to meet management requirements, (D) an emphasis on nonmarket resource values with a moderate emphasis on commodity production, (J) a moderate emphasis on nonmarket resource values with an emphasis to maintain commodity production near historic levels, (K) a high emphasis on commodity production with a low emphasis on most nonmarket resource values, (L) a high emphasis on nonmarket resource values reflected by preservation of many areas in a natural condition and a low emphasis on commodity production, and (W--the preferred alternative) a moderate emphasis on both nonmarket resource values and commodity production, with a slightly greater emphasis on nonmarket values.