Some Social Implications of Trade Unionism in Ghana and Nigeria

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Ramsperger, Richard

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University of Oregon


Although much has been written on patterns of labor In West Africa, there are no studies which are devoted primarily to the social aspects of labor unions. The purpose of this thesis is to try to determine to what extent the trade union movement has been affected, modified, or influenced by traditional economic, social, and political systems in Ghana and Nigeria. It will be necessary to consider first the major factors which have had a direct bearing upon the traditional and modern economic systems before the place of the trade union in . the scheme can be assessed, therefore, the thesis will include some descriptive data on traditional economic attitudes in Ghana and Nigeria and a comparison of these with the economic attitudes required for industrialization. Then the changes in attitudes and patterns of labor, which have accrued over time due to the impact of industrialization, will be treated. It will also be necessary to contrast the organization and function of traditional and modern economic associations In order to determine what influence these have had upon each other.


139 pages


occupation, work force, Stevedores
