Sutherlin : Parks and open space plan

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Sutherlin (Or.)
Satre Associates

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City of Sutherlin (Or.)


While Sutherlin has several parks within or near the community, the park system does not currently meet minimum recommended standards regarding the provision of parks and open spaces. Objectives for the Parks and Open Space Plan include: evaluate the existing condition of parks and open spaces in Sutherlin and identify opportunities relative to developing a parks system to meet the current and future needs of the community; poll the community regarding preferences for a parks and open space system in Sutherlin; develop a parks and open space system including recommended standards for type, size, location, physical elements and design considerations; identify park and open space needs based on current and future population projections, including potential locations for future park and open space facilities; identify park and open space projects, implementation strategies and an action plan for activating the Parks and Open Space Plan. [From the Plan]


61 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published June 13, 2005. Captured February 27, 2007.


City planning -- Oregon -- Sutherlin, Parks -- Oregon -- Sutherlin -- Planning, Recreation areas -- Oregon -- Sutherlin -- Planning
