Springfield : Glenwood refinement plan

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Springfield (Or.)
Springfield (Or.). Development Services Dept.
Eugene (Or.). Planning and Development Dept.
Eugene (Or.). Public Works Dept.
Eugene (Or.). Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Eugene (Or.). Dept. of Public Safety

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City of Springfield (Or.)


The Glenwood Refinement Plan is intended to provide background information and policy direction for public and private decisions affecting the growth and development of the Glenwood area. The refinement plan will guide the provision of public services, such as sanitary sewers and street improvements. It will serve as a basis for evaluating private development proposals, such as zone change requests. It will also provide a common framework for those engaged in the conservation, development, and redevelopment of the area. [From the Plan]


114 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Earlier version of this plan adopted by the City of Eugene, July 1990; current version published November, 1999. Captured February 15, 2008.


City planning -- Oregon -- Springfield, Land use -- Oregon -- Springfield -- Planning, Community development -- Oregon -- Springfield, Neighborhood planning -- Oregon -- Springfield, Glenwood (Springfield, Or.)
