Browsing Oregon Local Documents (Cities) by Subject "Urban renewal -- Oregon -- Planning"


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  • Lake Oswego (Or.); Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (City of Lake Oswego (Or.), 2004-05-18)
    This urban renewal plan update, hereinafter called â The Plan,â has been prepared by the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency â The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Lake Oswego, pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) ...
  • Lebanon (Or.); Linn County (Or.); Benkendorf Associates; Tashman Johnson LLC (City of Lebanon (Or.), 2000-08-30)
    The primary goal of the Cheadle Lake Urban Renewal Plan is to improve the function, condition, and appearance of the Cheadle Lake Urban Renewal Area and to eliminate existing blight and blighting influences in order to ...
  • Lebanon (Or.) (City of Lebanon (Or.), 2008-09-10)
    The North Gateway Urban Renewal Plan (the “Plan”) contains goals, objectives and projects for the development of the North Gateway Urban Renewal Area (“Area”). The Area, shown in Figure 1, consists of approximately 144 ...
  • Lauchlin R. Bethune Associates; Gilliland, Arlon; Von Foerster, Andreas; Arlon Gilliland's Bird Nest Gallery and Studio; Lincoln City (Or.); RBF Consulting. Urban Design Studio (City of Lincoln City (Or.), 2002-09)
    The OceanLake Redevelopment Plan is a tool to help both revitalize and celebrate Lincoln Cityâ s historic heart, improving the experience for both residents and visitors. Based upon the communityâ s vision, The OceanLake ...
  • Leland Consulting Group; Madras (Or.); Walker-Macy (City of Madras (Or.), 2005-02)
    Mission [of this Plan]: To prepare a strategy for the future development of land, buildings and parks in the Madras Urban Renewal District, which encourages the efficient use of public funds to develop a unique identity ...
  • Monmouth (Or.) (City of Monmouth (Or.), 2005-12-06)
    The Report on the Plan for the Monmouth Urban The City of Monmouth Urban Renewal Plan contains goals, objectives, and projects for the revitalization of the Monmouth Urban Renewal District. The Monmouth Urban Renewal ...
  • Spencer & Kupper; Group MacKenzie; Newberg (Or.); Newberg Urban Renewal Agency (City of Newberg (Or.), 2001-11)
    The purpose of this Renewal Plan is to eliminate blighting influences found in the Renewal Area, to implement goals and objectives of the City of Newberg Comprehensive Plan, and to implement development strategies and ...
  • Oregon City Renewal Agency; Oregon City (Or.) (City of Oregon City (Or.), 2007-08-29)
    This Urban Renewal Plan, originally adopted December 19,1990, is the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown area in Oregon City, Oregon. This Plan is the only urban renewal plan for the Downtown area. The Plan is being ...
  • Oregon City (Or.); Oregon City Renewal Agency (City of Oregon City (Or.), 2001-07)
    The purpose of this Plan is to eliminate blighting influences found in the Renewal Area, and to implement goals and objectives of Oregon City's Comprehensive Plan.... Overall renewal area goals: 1. To improve traffic ...
  • Oregon City (Or.); Oregon City Renewal Agency (City of Oregon City (Or.), 2001-07)
    The Hilltop Urban Renewal Plan was created in 1990 via the 2nd Amendment to the 1983 Downtown Oregon City Urban Renewal Plan. The reference in Section 100 is to the 2nd Amendment to the 1983 Plan.... The purpose of this ...
  • Spencer & Kupper; Phoenix (Or.); Phoenix Urban Renewal Agency (City of Phoenix (Or.), 2005-06)
    The Phoenix urban renewal plan follows from two earlier studies done for the City of Phoenix. The first was a 1997 City Center Plan. The 1997 Center City Plan focused on the redevelopment of an area bounded roughly by Main, ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2006-01-16)
    [The] purpose of this report is to identify and recommend why an extension to the [Central Eastside Urban Renewal Area] Plan is desirable, the financial impacts of the extension, and suggest an investment strategy for ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2002-12-30)
    The purpose of this document is to provide baseline information on the existing conditions in the Central Eastside Urban Renewal Area (URA) and the surrounding area. This information is intended to inform the Central ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission (City of Portland (Or.), 1986-05-15)
    The following goals, objectives, and policies more specifically identify the objectives of this Urban Renewal Plan: ... prepare and implement a Transportation Master Plan for the renewal area that is integrated with the ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Parks and Recreation; Portland Development Commission (Portland Development Commission, 2004)
    In 2003 the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area (ICURA) Parks Subcommittee completed a Needs Assessment for the parks and open spaces of the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area. This document serves as a reference ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.); Portland Parks and Recreation (Portland Development Commission, 2004)
    The assessment and recommended improvements proposed for Denorval Unthank Park will fulfill the ICURA accepted goals and strategies by enhancing an existing park and creating a better environment within the Boise Neighborhood ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland (Or.). Bureau of Environmental Services; KPFF Consulting Engineers; Landsman Transportation Planning; Walker-Macy; Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Office of Transportation; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning (City of Portland (Or.), 2008-02)
    This report begins with a brief summary of the project background and context, followed by the City’s Green Street Goals. The process for this effort is then summarized along with the team’s approach to Green Street Design ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission (Portland Development Commission, 2003-05)
    The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is charged with implementing the regional center vision by leveraging urban renewal funding to support the development of mixed-income housing, enhance job growth, and improve ...
  • Portland Development Commission; Portland (Or.). Bureau of Planning; Portland (Or.) (City of Portland (Or.), 2001-06)
    The Guiding Principles are drawn primarily from the Opportunity Gateway Concept Plan and Redevelopment Strategy which is the guiding vision document for the Regional Center. The goals and objectives described in this ...
  • Portland (Or.); Portland Development Commission; Building Business Equity (Portland Development Commission, 2007-06)
    Demographic data and anecdotal evidence suggest that major shifts are occurring in the population and commercial markets in inner N/NE Portland. Therefore, BBE chose to identify and evaluate strategies to assist minority, ...

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